― 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮.

204 13 7

― thirty 

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― thirty 

"i'm so nervous." san sighed, patting his chest where his heart lay. 

"yah, even if you fail, you can still make it as a stripper." wooyoung reassured, but that only caused san to slap the back of his head, glaring at him. "i'm being serious―"

"stop doing that, no one likes it when you're serious." san fired back, glaring at the boy. wooyoung pouted as his friends laughed in agreement. the five of them were sat outside in the courtyard, taking over one of the picnic benches as they waited for lunch to finish. their grades waiting to be announced during last period to determine whether they'll be completing high school or possibly being held back a year ― which seemed plausible for san and mingi. 

san and yeosang were sat atop the table whilst the others sat on the benches, wooyoung on one side and mingi and inha on the other. the girl leaned against yeosang's legs, her head in his lap as they all sat there, wondering what would happen after graduation.

"whatever happens, we know that inha's going to be successful and make the most money." wooyoung assured, knowing that the girl was more than capable of probably taking over the world if she wasn't so shy.

"if you and yeosang ever break up, you have my number." mingi suddenly piped up, grabbing hold of the girl's hand.

"yah!" yeosang playfully whacked away the boy's hand, taking it into his own as he held it against his chest, glaring at the boy. "get your filthy hands off of her." he childishly stuck his tongue out, as mingi rolled his eyes in response. 

"for someone who could barely confess his feelings, you're very possessive." san joked, causing them to laugh as yeosang could only sit there with flushed cheeks. 

"guys, they put up our grades!" jeong yunho called out from inside the building, a close friend of mingi's, but didn't really hang out with the five since he was busy in the dance studio. the five friends all glanced at one another with wide eyes, that nervousness that had been bothering them all, returning as they hurried to their feet, making their way towards the school board. 

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