― 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣.

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― twenty seven

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― twenty seven.

"oh, morning..." inha trailed off, unable to meet the boy's eyes as he stood in front of her door. she was about to leave for school, but when she opened her front door, she wasn't expecting yeosang to be stood there. "what are you doing here?" she questioned, stepping out before shutting the door behind her. 

"walking to school with you." he answered with a shrug, as if it were no big deal. however, all of yeosang's actions became a big deal to inha after what he had said to her last night.

"should i prove it." 

inha shook her head, shutting her eyes tight as she tried to get rid of his voice repeating that sentence over and over in her head. yeosang stared at the girl in confusion, wondering what she was doing. "ah, this isn't working." inha sighed, coming to a sudden stop as she looked up ahead of her. 

"inha..." the boy trailed off as she stood in front of him, having his full attention as the pair slowed down to a halt. 

"yesterday," she began, hesitant to finish her sentence as realisation washed over yeosang's features. it was obvious what she was talking about without her even having to finish her sentence. however, inha seemed reluctant to finish, afraid of the answer. of course she knew that yeosang would never joke about such a thing, however another side of her argued that maybe she just didn't know him that well.

"i wasn't joking." as if reading her mind, yeosang answered her question for her before she could even get it out. "i like you, a lot." he continued, watching as inha's face turned red. the girl was unable to look him in the eye, carefully stepping back in an attempt to create some sort of space between them, however that only prompted yeosang to step closer. "i'll do everything it takes to prove it to you."

"why?" inha kept her gaze on the ground. she wanted to believe him, more than anything she wanted to take his word for it, but something inside of her was holding her back. "that man, he―"

inha stopped when yeosang suddenly gently took hold of her hand. surprised by the action, inha lifted her head to finally meet his gaze, unaware of how close he had gotten. she pursed her lips, her heart getting that fuzzy feeling when he gave her hand a comforting squeeze. "i don't care about that." his words caused a funny feeling to occur at the pit of her stomach. 

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