― 𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣.

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― fifteen

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― fifteen.

"you tried to kill her."

"i already told you, inha, it was an accident." inha rolled her eyes, turning her focus to the outside world. she was sat by the window in her mother's hospital room and her father sat on the sofa, neither of them looking at one another. he had hired out a private room for her mother whilst she was still unconscious, inha busily waiting for the woman to wake up. it had already been three days, but the doctors continued to give the same answer every time she asked them when she would wake up. 

"she'll wake up soon."

inha glared at the busy street below her, wondering how long soon was. she hadn't even returned to school yet, too scared to leave her mother's side in case he tried something. "what will you do if she dies?" inha's question was morbid, and she hated that she had to ask it, but she was curious. she wanted to know what her father would do to her. her father smiled, standing up from the sofa as he walked over to her with his hands in his pockets. inha visibly gulped, watching his every move as he approached her, her eyes never leaving him as he stood next to her. 

"if your mother left," he began, lifting his hand as he gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "i'd have more time for you." his smile creeped her out. she felt her stomach churn just at the thought of what he might do to her, leaning back away from his touch. she knew she was safe for now in a public space, but who knew what would happen to her behind the closed doors of her house. 

"if she dies," inha paused, looking away to hide her tears which she was struggling to hold back. the thought of her mother dying scared her, but she had to be strong, otherwise that man would use all her weaknesses against her. "then i'll show the world who you really are." she threatened.

"yeong inha―"

"so," inha cut him off, raising her voice as she looked back over at him with a strong glare. "you should do everything to get her to wake up." she sternly finished before storming out of the room. she was scared about what would happen if she stayed in there any longer. sliding the door shut behind her, she hurriedly ran off to somewhere where she could cry in private, knowing that if her father saw her crying, it would be the end for her. plus, she refused to ever cry in front of him. 

tomorrow without you. ― ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢWhere stories live. Discover now