The signs in school

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Aries: eating a textbook what the fuck Aries stop

Taurus: picking on some poor kid with Leo, getting in trouble

Gemini: sleeping, chugging a coffee & energy drink mix like a fucking boss

Cancer: 100% on every test (yea boiii fuCK IT UP)

Leo: picking on younger kids with Taurus, grafitying the bathroom with Libra

Virgo: ??11? yeLLinG?????/[*

Libra: flirting w/ a student, grafitying the bathroom with Leo

Scorpio: not even there prolly gettin laid somewhere

Sag: walking through the halls, not even in class. prolly doing things that would get most kids in trouble but their good friends with all the teachers so they get away with it.

Capricorn: screaming loudly while looking out the window

Aquarius: crying under a desk

Pisces: still waiting outside Scorpio's apartment to pick them up

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