How Do People Do It?

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"Jun! Pay the bill and we'll continue at your place, won't you?"

The said boy glanced at his so called friends, putting up a smile as convincing as possible.
With no protests Jun grabbed his credit card to pay, that's the only way to maintain a friendship after all.

"Sorry guys, but my mom's coming over so you'll have to go somewhere else without me," Jun smiled apologetically while packing his stuff to leave.

"How can you handle your mom coming over like every other day? I swear she's always at yours when we wanna come over," Jungho mumbled not wanting to end up paying for their next set of drinks.

With no more time wasted there, Jun rushed out of the restaurant they were hanging out at. Obviously it was not because his mom was coming over, she never came. Jun just didn't feel like spending time with them anymore, it was both physically and mentally exhausting. During their hangouts Jun felt even more alone than when he was in his apartment by himself. But that's just in his head, right? He just doesn't include himself in their conversations, it's not their fault.

After a much needed walk to his house, Jun walked to his black door just standing there for a while.

A proffesor once asked how people would describe home. I didn't know how to answer back then but I think I know that this building right here isn't one to me. It looks overly posh and not homely at all, I would sell it right away if I could.

But that's not something he had a say on, so Jun pressed his finger on the scanner and walked in. Yeah, a fingerprint scanner, ridiculous right?
It was around 10 pm by the time he had finished showering and just setting his stuff back to where they belong.
Jun has never been into cooking so when there wasn't much in the fridge he decided to just head to bed instead.

His tiredness didn't stop the thoughts though.

How do people do it? Make real friends and hold on to them, sounds like it takes a lot of effort. Jun would like to find an actual friend, one who doesn't just pretend to care for the money and fame.
And what about family. He often wonders what a perfect family would be like. A mom, a dad and a sibling. But he has all of those, so why does it feel like his family is the most imperfect one out there?
An abusive father, a mother who couldn't care less about him and a brother who acts like Jun doesn't exist.
But in Jun's opinion he shouldn't complain, at least he has a family. That's something he should be grateful for.

At some point he drifted off to sleep, not dreamless and nice but it's better than nothing.


An awfully loud alarm woke Jun at 7 am, reminding him that school, sadly, isn't just a bad dream.
Groaning he sat up, trying his very best to rub the sleep away from his eyes.

Walking to the bathroom takes a lot of effort and what he sees in the mirror isn't any less disappointing than he expected. Messy blond hair with the curls looking all crazy and bags under his eyes.
Taking another long look at his hair Jun sigh's,
"Mom asked me to dye it months ago, she'd go crazy if she saw me now."
With one last glance at the blond mob he ducks down and washes his puffy face.

As expected, he's already running late so Jun grabbed an apple and ran.

By the time he passed the school gates he's sure that he just ran a marathon, but when has that ever stopped him from getting to class.

Jun walked to the classroom with no teacher in sight. Looking around he saw his friends who had saved him a seat, it's his first day in this subject and he's the only first year student there with all the seniors.

As unlucky as he is, the seat saved for him is next to Hyeji. Yeah they might hangout sometimes but that doesn't mean Jun likes the girl.

"Good morning Jun, you didn't bring us coffee today?" she said, gesturing to
Jungho and Chun-guk.

"No, sorry I only grabbed one for myself in the hurry, didn't have enough time" He heard the girl scoff but chose to ignore her. Turning towards the front he spots an unfamiliar person sitting, or rather sleeping, right in front of him. "oh and who's that?"

Looking at the boy Jun was asking about Chun-guk rolled his eyes before replying,
"That's the UP, Nam Soo-hyun. The weirdest guy around, rarely bothers talking and apparently never smiles"

Jun looked at this Soo-hyun guy, inspecting him, "What does UP stand for?"

"Ultimate psycho."

Oh. He seems fine though, Jun thought to himself.
At that moment the teacher walked in and Jun just couldn't let the boy be caught sleeping on the first day so he reached over his laptop screen trying to shake the boys shoulder.
Jun had forgot that the coffee he bought was right behind the screen, and seconds later the cup was on the floor spilling the drink on the ends of Soo-hyuns jeans and wetting his shoes.

"Oh my god..."
"I'm so sorry seriously I didn't mean to," Jun rushed to find napkins from his backpack but Soo-hyun just looked at him motioning that it's fine and focused on the teacher.

Jun can't help but to feel bad for the poor boy so after class despite his friends protesting, since they need Jun to pay their lunch, he ran off after Soo-hyun.

Catching up with him Jun tapped the taller boys shoulder,
"Hi again. Listen I'm seriously sorry about the coffee, is there anything I could do for you? I can pay for the cleaning of your jeans or buy you a new pair! And the shoes too!"

"No it's fine, I don't mind."

That's all Jun got out of Soo-hyun before the guy walked away, seemingly not even thinking about changing his now dirty clothes. Jun will surely make up for this, he can't let it go just like that and this Soo-hyun dude doesn't seem as bad as people say. He'll just try to tag along with him and maybe get a friend out of that strange guy who doesn't seem to give a shit about Jun being rich. That's all he wants from a person anyways.

How Do People Do It? (Yeo Jun X Nam Soo-Hyun)Where stories live. Discover now