New friends?

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The sun was uncomfortably bright, shining straight to Jun's eyes. He grunted and rolled to his side, then a sudden drop. Jun found himself from the living room floor. Now as far as he could remember, his bed wasn't located in the living room.

Jun slowly cracked his eyes open and looked around. How the fuck did he end up here? Suddenly the previous evening came back to him. He sat up so fast that he had to hold onto the table corner to stop the dizziness. Oh no, he had told Soo-hyun.
Just then Jun heard Soo-hyun slightly move. On the same couch that he had just very gracefully dropped from. Had they both slept on the couch? Jun's face was one of pure horror.

He quietly stood up with the help of the table and tip toed to the kitchen. Now he could look at the older from a safe distance. Seeing Soo-hyun sleep might have just been Jun's new favorite thing. That sounded kind of creepy, didn't it? Jun knew he shouldn't even be thinking of the other like this. Like what, though? Well now Jun really started to think about it.

Ever since he had first seen Soo-hyun, he had known that he wanted to get to know the other. Everyone knew that the brunette was extremely handsome, so did Jun. But he was also rather adorable when he didn't think anyone was watching. Soo-hyun didn't know how to hold conversations and he was just overall very awkward with new people. Jun's only ever seen him with three other students, maybe his friends. The blond also knew that Soo-hyun could be a big softie at times and was determined to get the older to smile.

Then Jun's thoughts drifted to last night. Soo-hyun was actually pretty good at cuddles. With this thought Jun realised that he would definitely like to have the other boy close like that again. Oh fuck. Maybe it really wasn't a friend he wanted from Soo-hyun in the first place.

No that can't be. I'm supposed to find a pretty girl and marry her, not that asshole on my couch. He wouldn't want anything more to do with me anyways.

Jun almost laughed at his own thoughts. Yeah he was surely just tired, better get going before Soo-hyun would wake up and things get awkward.

Jun was so close to making it out and then he heard someone yell his name.

"Jun! Hold up, I'm coming with you," Soo-hyun sleepily hurried to sit up and started changing his clothes.

"Well good morning to you too. I'm actually in a hurry so see you after school?"

Soo-hyun stood up and looked at Jun like he was a total idiot. "I know you don't have classes until 11 today. And I'm gonna meet up with some people, you're coming with me."

"What? Who? I'm not going with you," Jun decided to just not guestion how Soo-hyun knew his schedule.

"Friends, and yes you are. They're nice people and you need new friends."


"If your firends are anything like you, then I doubt we'll get along very well. And I've got plenty of friends," Jun said with a sarcastic smile.

"You were the one who wanted to get to know me, weren't you? So quit complaining and even I know that you're lying" Soo-hyun didn't let Jun argue and pushed blond out the door. They headed for the park close to school.


"It's nice to meet you Jun! Soo-hyun's been talking about you so much," The bright girl squeezed Jun into a hug and smirked at Soo-hyun's direction.

Not exactly how Jun imagined this would have went. He carefully pushed the excited looking girl away from himself and turned his head to Soo-hyun. The older was definitetly blushing, now this was some high quality blackmail material.

"It's nice to meet you too..."

"Oh I'm so sorry I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kim So-bin! And that guy behind me is Chan-ki. Yeong-ran's also going to arrive soon!" The girl, So-bin, happily informed Jun.

"Well it's nice to meet you two. I didn't think Soo-hyun's friends would be so...friendly?" Jun guestioned.

So-bin and Chan-ki bursted out laughing while the latter took a hold of Soo-hyun's shoulder in order to not fall while clutching his stomach.

"Has Soo-hyun given you a hard time? We'll scold him and make sure he's nice to you, right Chan-ki?" So-bin said while still smiling brightly.

"Yeah don't worry buddy, he won't bother you anymore," Chan-ki assured while smiling at the now glaring Soo-hyun beside him.

Adorable, Jun thought.

"Sorry 'm late, some assholes tried to steal my wallet on the bus," Said another girl coming from the bus stop.

"Oh no they picked the wrong victim...I feel bad for them," Chan-ki said and wiped away a fake tear.

"Yeah I felt a bit sorry too, after kicking the first one I'm quite sure he won't be able to have kids anymore."

This girl, Yeong-ran possibly, was very intimidating.

"Anyways so you're Jun huh? I agree with Soo-hyun here, he is indeed kinda cute," Yeong-ran said while looking at Jun up and down.

"You think I'm cute, I knew it!" Jun turned to Soo-hyun with a devilish smile.

"I do not! They're just trying to embarrass me," Soo-hyun was quick to defend himself.

"Oh we're not, he's been talking about how 'annoying and adorable' you are non-stop. I can't handle it anymore," So-bin said in a teasing tone.

Soo-hyun sighed deeply and flipped off his friends. Jun laughed loudly, highly entertained by this.

All five of them ended up going to a near by cafe and then walking back to school together. Jun hadn't known the new trio for more than a few hours but he knew that this was going to be great. They were extremely nice, even though they were constantly teasing each other. Jun was also fairly certain that So-bin and Chan-ki were dating, he ships them. And Soo-hyun looked so happy with them, like he wasn't pretending. He also smiled more than Jun had ever seen him smile before, which was absolutely the best part of this hangout.


The five students were at the school library. Soo-hyun looked fondly at the blond boy, watching as he chatted excitedly with his three friends. They got along so well and Soo-hyun was just happy to see Jun genuinely smile again. It looked good on him. Their conversation was, however, rudely interrupted by the library doors opening.

Then professor Yeo walked in. Jun froze and excused himself to go talk to Mr. Yeo privately. Soo-hyun looked after the younger worried.

No more than three minutes later, yes they were counting, Jun came back in. He looked scared, Soo-hyun hated it. The blond came to sit close to him and took a shaky breath.

"It's next week. The hearing is next week," Jun looked at Soo-hyun with wide, scared eyes.

Soo-hyun threw a hand over Jun's shoulder and rubbed his arm carefully. It would be fine, everything was going to turn out alright.

How Do People Do It? (Yeo Jun X Nam Soo-Hyun)Where stories live. Discover now