Just One Call

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There was nothing to clean. And that's purely because Jun despised his house and will do anything to spend time outside or in the school campus. And that logically results in his house looking like no one lives in it.

Jun was wiping his white table for the 10th time to somehow make time go by faster. He very well knew that his house looked impressive wether or not it's spotless, but that was exactly the problem. Jun hated how over the top everything seemed to be. He used to be proud of living here, showing off his money and house.

"I don't know why I was expecting your house to look like a normal one of a student. Was clearly wrong."

Does that fucker not know how to knock?

"What the hell Soo-hyun?! You could at least knock or send me a message that you arrived!" Jun's got no idea on how he could've missed the older walking in. The door's right in front of him!

"Yeah yeah, didn't think you were one for cleaning," Soo-hyun eyed the towel on Jun's hand. "Was half expecting a hired maid or something."

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes I am fully capable of keeping my appartment tidy myself. Now can we just start with the project?" Jun sighed and got rid of the towel, walking to his living room.

"I made lists of things to do for both of us so that we can finish as fast as possible." Soo-hyun stated with a bored expression. Jun was starting to think that maybe the rumor of the guy never smiling is true.

"Wow you really don't like me huh? But yeah it's fine, can we get the basics done together, though?" Jun was leaning towards the black, low table that he cleared out for Soo-hyuns stuff.

Jun took the silence as a yes.


Now he was really getting frustrated.

"No Soo-hyun you can't possibly put this here and do you think this is true? It's not." Did he find this from Wikipedia?

"Do you genuinely think that abusers are just born violent and that explains all? Or was it someone on the internet who said that and you decided that it's perfectly true? Where are the facts?"

"Shut up already Jun!" The brunette looked like he'll actually blow up soon. "Stop pretending like you get this and go through your own stuff."

"Well it seems like I certainly understand more than you. And I finished most of mine already," Jun needed a topic change. Now.

"Oh, are you hungry?" He didn't even have food in his fridge. Maybe an apple?

"No I don't want anything from you."

"Your loss."

Just as Jun was about to get up and get the hopefully existing apple, his phone rings.

Picking up the device his eyes widened. Dad never calls. Ever.

"Hello father."

"Jun, I have something to inform you of." His dad sounded as composed and cold as ever. That made Jun's stomach feel tight and the apple definitely sounded like a bad idea now.

"We've decided that we'll stop giving you money from now on. You can earn the allowance back by doing what your mother told you to do." He knew this would happen sooner or later.

It's not like Jun needed any more money, no he has enough to get by. This just felt like his parents were completely getting rid of him.

"Yes father," What else could he say?

"I've also noticed your grades dropping, Jun."

"I'm sorry, it was just a few tests and I promise to do better on the next ones," Jun was way more scared than he should have been and really just wanted to end the call already.

"That's not enough boy, but luckily Jun-wan got offered a job as a professor in your school. Now he can make sure you spend your time well and study enough," His father's tone stayed the same as before, flat and uninterested.

"What? Father there's really no need for tha-," The call ended.

No way. I've done my best to keep my family out of my life and this is what they do? I really can't have a second of peace.

"What was that about?" Soo-hyun asked with a raised brow.

"Oh nothing, just some school stuff you know," It was not nothing and Jun wanted to scream to Soo-hyun, tell him to leave so he could have his breakdown in peace.

"Didn't sound like nothing to me. You aren't close to your dad?" With his words you'd think he was concerned, but no, his face stayed bored. Still staring at his computer screen.

"None of your business. I think we've got enough done for today, right?" Jun hoped he disn't sound like he wanted the other to leave.

"Sure, text me when you want to meet up again," Soo-hyun said while gathering his things and heading for the door.

Once the door closed and Jun had made sure that Soo-hyun wasn't behind it (you never know), he finally let the mask slip off and slumped on the soft couch.

How on earth was he supposed to feel safe at school when he knew that his every move would be reported back to his parents?
Hours later Jun stared at his phone on the kitchen table as it lit up again and again. He knew it was probably not worth checking but he was just as addicted to social media as anyone else. So with the hope of those messages being from Soo-hyun, Jun dragged himself to the kitchen counter.

To his dissapointment the first three were from Jeong-ho and Chun-gook.

Jun-ah it's Saturday where the heck are you??!

You think I have enough on my bank account to pay for the drinks?  What's taking so long

Fuck you.

Oh right. Saturdays. He was supposed to hangout with his friends and Hyeji hours ago. He would just tell them that he was sick or something, Jun thought while scrolling through the last notifications. One caught his eye. It was from Soo-hyuns instagram account (no Jun isn't a stalker). There was a post stating that he volunteered to be a roommate if someone was in the need for one.
And he mentioned that he was looking for a small appartment for himself, so people should tell if they had any recommendations.

Nam Soo-hyun living with another person? Can't imagine that going too well. But then again if I want to get closer, this should be the perfect opportunity. Now I just have to get him to agree...

How Do People Do It? (Yeo Jun X Nam Soo-Hyun)Where stories live. Discover now