Breakdowns And Projects

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Turns out talking to Soo-hyun is easier said than done. Jun tried his best during the class they have together but nothing seemed to work. That dude just stays silent or gives one-word replies.

"Would you like to grab a coffee after school ends," Jun tried for the fifth time that week.

"I already told you no."

This isn't going so well. Maybe he just doesn't like coffee?

"Well, I could treat you for lunch, did you hear there's a new restaurant?"

"Oh fuck off won't you? You're like a walking atm, I don't need your money, go bother someone else," Soo-hyun scoffed while quickening his pace.

"What do you mean atm? And I wasn't just offering money, I was asking you to hangout with me."

"You literally offer to buy shit to anyone who asks, hate to break it to you but no one hangs around you for anything other than money"

Well that hurt. Not that it wasn't true but hearing it from someone you barely know isn't really nice.

"I have real friends, just so you know!" Jun yells before turning the other way and storming off. Even he knows that was a lie.

The universe seemed to absolutely hate him today, because once he was about to reach the school gates someone caught his arm.

"Hey Jun! How are you?" It's Hyeji, Jun could tell from the annoying fake happiness.

"I'm good thanks, did you want something?"

"Oh not really... I mean I'm kinda struggling to pay my rent this month so I thought to ask you for some extra money."

Just as he expected. Soo-hyun really was right, it's like Jun's an atm you can ask money from at any time.

"No sorry, I need all I have for something I'm saving up for" Jun lied once again.

"Pfft come on Junnie we both know you, or well more like your parents, have enough money to probably buy this damn school" Hyeji continued trying.

"I'm sorry Hyeji, I can't," Jun said before pulling his hand away and speed walking towards his house.

"How fucking selfish! You don't deserve a single dollar of that damn money!" Hyeji kept screaming after Jun.

Well her attitude changed fast. Jun brushed his blond curls back with his hand and stared at the dull gray sidewalk. So this is how it'll be? No one needs him, just the money. He would give away all his money in a blink of an eye if he could, nothing good ever comes out of it. Jun focused his gaze on the new pair of trendy shoes he's wearing and the latest edition of jeans he found.

Maybe I really am selfish? Spending money on things like this while others work for hours to even get food.

Opening his apartment door, Jun kicked off his shoes that now seem like a waste of money. All the pent up sadness from the day turn to full anger as Jun stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.
How can people say all that cruel shit while knowing NOTHING about Jun's life? It's not right. Soo-hyun and Hyeji just seem to be proof of how unlikable Jun is.

Gripping the kitchen counter, Jun just couldn't stand it anymore.
He took a hold of the glass, lifted it high up and threw it against the wall with as much force as he could manage.

As the glass shattered and little pieces of it flew around the floor, Jun couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

It's not fair. It's not fair. IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR.

Jun let his knees give out as he slid down against the counter and covered his face with his palms. The only sounds in the otherwise silent apartment were Jun's sobs as he slowly gathered together the pieces of broken glass. They cut his fingers a few times but that pain was more welcomed than the emotional one.

Hours later Jun found himself laying in bed. Or more like on top of the bed, with the same clothes from earlier, fingers bruised and eyes puffy and bloodshot. This was one of those moments when he's glad about living alone, no one has to hear his little, pathetic, breakdowns.

Jun had long ago ran out of tears but he just couldn't bring himself to get up and go take a shower. He felt dirty and hungry but that wasn't enough to get him moving.


Jun ran past the classroom door at the last minute before the bell rang. He still hadn't changed clothes and felt like absolute shit.
Jun sat down next to his friends (can he call them that?) and slumped down against the chair.

"Didn't bring coffee again?"

Oh really? Was that all they can think about? Fucking coffee.

"No I was running late, sorry," And of course he apologized because that's what he was supposed to do, he was selfish after all.

Before the conversation could continue, the professor walked in and started with lesson. Jun let out a relived sigh, he couldn't really focus, staring at the back of Soo-hyun's head and spacing out.

"And this will be done in pairs which I assign," This got Jun's attention as he glanced around the now groaning classmates. A pair project?

"All of you need to pick one of the topics shown on the screen and do a presentation about it" The professor pointed up at the screen that showed words Jun's sure he's never heard of.

"Alright, so the pairs are..." This is where Jun lost focus again. How is he going to get a nice partner when no one in this classroom is even half decent? Not to mention that they're older and probably highly dislike him.

"And finally, Nam Soo-hyun and Yeo Jun"

Well that's great. Really great.

How Do People Do It? (Yeo Jun X Nam Soo-Hyun)Where stories live. Discover now