Dear Moon

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Dear Moon,

Beautiful, shining disk in the sky.

People call you yellow

I disagree, your light

Is simply shining brilliance

That I cannot put a colour on.

Dear Moon,

Do you feel jealous

Of the Sun?

Do not do so, Moon,

People shield their eyes from Sun

And his glaring light.

Whilst yours is a gentle glow

That people can stare at for hours on end

They call it romantic.

Dear Moon,

How you age and grow

From a childish, inexperienced rind of light,

To a full, fat Mother Moon.

Who looks down at Earth

With the wisdom of the ages

In her eyes.

You watch the unimportant happenings of Earth,

And you learn more.

Dear Moon,

Someday I would like to fly

Up to you,

And ask you meaningless questions


“How many fish did you see today?”


“How green is the forest?”

Oh, Moon,

You would smile and laugh

At my ignorance,

And, jokingly, you would call me a child.

Dear Moon,

How fast the world moves nowadays

Sometimes too fast

For me to comprehend.

Surely it makes your round, pale head

Hurt as you watch it all.

Dear Moon,

People are beginning

To forget about you

And your shining beauty.

The world is moving too fast

For them to be bothered by

Trivial, romantic things,

Such as you, Moon,

As much as they used to.

Oh, Moon, do not feel lonesome.

I have not forgotten about you.

And the next time I see

Your beautiful soft light

In the sky,

I will turn to the person closest,

And call it romantic.

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