prologue 🍃

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it was your favorite season, but your most hated season at the same time.

you loved the nice breezy weather whenever it was fall. it was a nice break from all the days filled with scorching sun. it would be so nice just to go outside and feel the wind on your face; you'd instantly be relaxed.

of course, fall is the same case this year as last year, and all the years before that. but however, you always dreaded the starting months of school. that was the part of fall that you hated most.

college was a real struggle for you, especially since over the summer, you became a real burnout. everything always went through one ear and out the other. it was a real hassle while studying for exams, and all that.

luckily, it was a saturday though, so you could stay home and rest.

you yawn as you stretch your legs and arms, and get out of bed.

"aaaaugh...that was the best nap in ages." you mumble, groggily rubbing your eyes while you go to your closet to change your shirt.

oh, i forgot to mention that you had a new neighbor, now. your old neighbor had moved out of her home and in with her relatives', since she had become too old to properly take care of herself. you were going to miss her, since you had known her since you were a kid.

but, nonetheless, you forced yourself to go over to your new neighbor's house and introduce yourself. and so, that's what you did.

"mom, i'm heading out!" you say, going down the stairs, but then going back up since you forgot to get socks.

"out? it's a saturday, where could you possibly be going?" she asks, not looking up from her magazine she had been reading while her feet were propped up on the coffee table and sitting on the couch.

" the local library to study?" you grin, knowing that your mom wouldn't fall for that stupid excuse. you quickly grab a pair of socks and go back down the stairs to slip them on.

"i'm old, but not dumb, dear. where are you going?" she asks once again, looking up from her magazine and readjusting her glasses.

"hehe, just kidding. i'm going over to visit the new neighbor's house." you laugh, putting on your socks, and your sneakers, as you tie the laces.

"ah, alright. why didn't you just say so? be back soon, dinner will be ready soon." she replies, going back to reading her magazine casually.

"sounds good!" you respond, as you head out the door, locking it with your spare key.

"i wonder what the new neighbor's like...wait, what if they go to my college?!" you quietly murmur to yourself, thinking of all the possibilities as you walk down the sidewalk.

"well, then again, they could be a kid," you scratch your head, looking down at your shoes while still walking. you didn't notice there was a person walking in your direction.

"or! they could be an old- gaah!"

you're interrupted when you bump into someone, startling you. you're about to fall on your back as you brace for impact, trying to keep your balance, but to no avail. luckily, right before you fell, they had grabbed your hand before you could fall.

"...that was close. are you okay?"

you hear a voice from the person who had caught you.

"oh jesus, you're definitely not an old person." you blurt out, looking at their facial features. he was a guy who looked your age, with beautiful crimson eyes and cream colored hair, with a strand of red just sticking out. finally grasping reality, your eyes widen from what you just said. you quickly let go of his hand and cover your face with your palms in embarrassment.

"um, pardon me?" he asks, as you hold out a hand as if stopping him from saying anything more.

"i-it's nothing! haha! ignore what i just said!" you yell out, crossing your hands rapidly as you look the other way to hide your flustered face.

"hm, alright then." he smiles warmly, letting out a laugh. you stop waving your hands as you take a look at his face once again.

"huh, he looks cute..." you thought, as he tilts his head in confusion, his face slightly turning pink.

"uh, are you okay? you're staring at me quite intensely..." he asks again, making you realize how weird it is to stare at a stranger for a whole five seconds or so.

"oh! i'm sorry, i must've been lost in thought." you stupidly grin, as you beat yourself up in your head for being such a dumbass.

"oh, alright then." he replies once again, rubbing the back of his neck.

this is awkward.

you try to lighten the mood as you strike up a conversation.

"are you new around here? i live just next door." you ask, as he looks back to you, making eye contact.

"oh, yes, i am. it's nice to know i have a cute clumsy neighbor." he smiles, as you suddenly realize what he just said, causing you to flush red.

man, i guess we BOTH don't know how to act at this moment huh?

"hahaaaa..! yep, that's me! i mean- what's your name? i'm y/n l/n." you introduce, your face still red from his smooth compliment. he couldn't have possibly meant that, right?

"i'm kazuha. kaedehara kazuha. it's nice to meet you, y/n." he replies, extending out a hand for you to shake. you slowly take out your hand and shake his. it was warm, but it was heavily bandaged. what kind of accident did he get into?

"'s nice to meet you too, kazuha."

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now