confession 🍃

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this moment felt so unreal

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this moment felt so unreal.

you hadn't even come up with a plan for how this would happen. something just clicked in your brain, and now, you were going to meet kazuha in the park.

what had led to this? all of your built up feelings, and wanting to let it all out? the fact you were tired of just being friends with a man who you felt more with?

out of shock, confusion, and happiness, you walked down the street, holding your face in your hands lost in deep thought.

if you were to run into kazuha now, what would he say about how you look right now? how does he feel about you?

you didn't know! at all! it made you so angry and confused. you just wanted to figure everything out. you just wanted the best for yourself.

it had only been a couple months, but he had been there the whole time. or at least, it had felt like it.



you hear a familiar voice approaching you.

"are you okay?"

what would you reply with now? you'd already brought him out here, so...


a silence fell between the both of you, at a loss for words. kazuha had been sitting on the swing, and you had been standing in front of him, your face still buried in your hands.

you slowly collect yourself, bringing your head out of your palms and facing him. his eyes soften seeing your face, but you had interrupted him before he had a chance to say anything.

"kazuha..." you look at him, as he looks back confused.


"i'm in love with you."

you admitted, not daring to see his face. cowardly, you know, but you just couldn't stand to look at him right now. you stare down at your shoes, not knowing what to say, as the sun beautifully set.

the tension was suffocating the both of you, as he was at a loss of words to even give a straight response. you wanted to run away. you wanted to sprint home, to your bed, and to never see his face again.

a blush covered your cheeks as you desperately attempted to hold in your tears. did this ruin everything? your friendships, hardships, everything you've been through?

what if it did? what if he ignores you, and never talks to you again? those same acts of kindness he would perform for you each day...what if they never-

"i love you too."

just as you were about to run away in guilt, a small response escaped his lips. your eyes widen in shock as you bring your head up to look at him.

he looks back at you with his eyes half-lidded, as if he were about to cry. his face was pretty red, but yours was too. wiping away your tears, you confirm it.

"really?'re not joking or anything, right? if you are, i'm gonna-"

"it's not a joke."

just that one sentence made you stop in your tracks. you smile sadly as you end up bursting into tears.

immediately, you run into his arms without warning and hug him, as he stands up to return the hug.

"i...i'm so glad..!" you cry, tears streaming down your face as you felt him shiver. he was likely crying as well.

" too. i-i'm sorry i had to keep you waiting like this. that probably took too much courage, huh?" he chuckles, as you stare at him before you both burst into laughter.

"you have no idea." you murmur, as both of your faces gradually get closer together, smiling.

"o-oh. sorry...may i?" he asks for consent, as you grin at him.

"you're such a gentleman, kazuha."

you say before connecting your lips. it wasn't rough, it was gentle. one of your ever first kisses shared with him felt like a dream come true.

you slowly part, as you smile at each other. you both couldn't stop stupidly blushing, but you couldn't help it. you were madly in love with him, and so was he with you.

you wanted to stay with him here...forever.

my apologies for a very short chapter, other chapters will make up for it, promise!!

all of your comments and reads make me so happy, so thank you so much ^^

i genuinely love you all, and thank you so much for reading and supporting <3

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now