dancing in the rain 🍃

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"it appears to be raining

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"it appears to be raining..."

"man, could my luck get any worse today?! i forgot one of my textbooks, i'm wearing non-matching socks because i couldn't find the other one of the pair, and now i didn't bring an umbrella.." you ramble, scratching your head in distress.

kazuha looks at you, sadly smiling before admitting,

"well, makes it the two of us then, for i didn't bring my umbrella as well."

"gaah! and we're supposed to be the 'responsible adults'..." you sigh, knowing well that both of your houses were not exactly close to campus.

"...do you know what i'm thinking, y/n?" kazuha asks, looking back at the pouring rain while you both were under the awning.

"please don't imply whatever you're implying."


"KAZUHA, YOU'RE CRAZY!!" you scream, as now, you both were sprinting from sidewalk to sidewalk, across the streets, in the pouring rain. having no shelter, you were forced to use your textbook as a form of cover so that you didn't get completely soaked.

"we're almost there! just a couple more minutes!" you can hear him say, as you chase after him. a couple more minutes felt like an eternity to both of you, as your legs started getting tired.

you could see both of your houses in the distance. however, you were basically out of breath by now, and it wasn't long before both of your legs stopped moving.

"kazuha, wait! don't you think we should stop and rest-" you shout. carrying a heavy textbook while sprinting down who knows how many roads and sidewalks wasn't an easy task for you.

miraculously, kazuha could hear your faint voice over the hard rain. he stopped in his tracks and turned to see you, now drenched.

"alright, hold on tight then-"

were the last words he said before quickly running over to you and picking you up bridal style. the sudden action caught you by surprise.

"h-hey-!! hey! what are you doing—"

"well, you're too tired to run or walk, so how else was i supposed to bring you to your house?" he teased, as you suddenly felt your cheeks turn hot.


you were both silent on the way to your house. you immediately felt guilty after feeling his heavy breath near you, knowing he was very tired and likely going to be sore tomorrow.

you'd both made it to your house, now. he let you down as you quickly fumbled with your keys and opened the door. with no sign of mom, you both rushed inside.

"i'm...sorry. really sorry, about you having to carry me. i'm not used to doing this sort of thing, i just sit in my room a lot.." you apologize, before sneezing and going over to the counter to grab a tissue.

"it's okay, y/n. we were both exhausted, but we made it. like we said; we'd always be there for each other, right?" he faintly smiled at you. you smiled back.

"thanks, kazuha. can i make it up to you?" you ask, not aware of what he was going to respond with. he grinned, quickly taking you by the hand and opening the front door once again, leading you both outside back into the pouring rain.

"hey, kazuha, wh-"

"you can make it up to me by dancing with me." he cheekily said, causing you to respond with a confused expression.

"in the...rain? we're both gonna catch a cold at this rate." you point out.

"dancing in the rain sounds quite romantic to me." he says, leading you by the hand. you didn't know how to dance at all, but if he said that's how you could make it up to him, you at least wanted to try.

letting him lead, you both quickly understood how to slow dance, as the rain fell on top of both of you. you didn't mind though; all you could look at was his eyes, and all he could look at was yours. locking eye contact, you both happily smile at each other, not giving a care about who was watching, or what was happening.

sure, you'd step on his feet every once in awhile, and it'd be awkward for a second, but you'd just laugh it off. it seemed like everything froze for just a moment of time, and it was just you two.


not even ten minutes passed, and you already felt your nose become stuffy. you quickly let go of him and sneezed, which gave him the signal that it was probably time to go inside.

"sorry for keeping you out in this rain. but it doesn't seem like you necessarily hated it." he said, patting your head. yes, it was true. you didn't mind if you had a cold the next day; you'd definitely remember this.

"well, if that was the way i could make it up to you, then it's not a problem. shall we head inside?" you reply, as he takes his hand off your head and intertwines it with your hand.

"as you wish."


fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now