impulse 🍃

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as the door creaked open, you entered

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as the door creaked open, you entered

the library. it was silent, as all libraries should be, of course. it didn't seem to be too busy today, but not too small of a crowd either.

you make your way over to an empty table after grabbing a cup of water from the nearby indoor cafe. it was a friday, approximately four days after the day you had made that promise with kazuha.

"could i ask that you stay...with me?"

you blink your eyes repeatedly as you shake your head. you shouldn't get too caught up on that! you were here to just calm down, have a nice day, and read a good book after all. maybe even get some homework or writing in.

scanning the aisles for a book to read, you examine each title one by one, looking for one that was most appealing to you. you finally decided on a book called, "maple leaf bladework", since the main character had reminded you of...a certain person.

you grab your book and nearly exit the aisle, before hearing somebody drop a book in the aisle in front of you.

"ah, sorry about that..." he apologizes, to the people who could hear as the spine slammed on the hard carpet.

hold on....that voice sounded familiar.

you grab a book from the shelf in the aisle you were in, and peek through the hole. you see a strand of red hair peaking through a head of cream-colored hair, that seemed very very familiar.

you kneel as you put your eyes up to the hole, motioning kazuha to come closer.

"pssst!" you quietly whisper, catching kazuha's attention. he looks over to your eyes and silently screams as his eyes widen out of shock.

"y-y/n! is that you? man, don't scare me like that..." he whines, as you let out a soft laugh.

"sorry, i couldn't help it. fancy seeing you here, huh?" you remark, as you both snicker, unintentionally seeing each other again.

"yeah. wanna go to that table over there?" he asks, pointing to a nearby table as you nod and mouth out a yes in response. you both make your way to the table and take a seat.

"it's...nice to see you again." you smile, as he grins back, both of your guys' cheeks turning a slight tint of pink.

"and to you too, y/n. what's the book you're reading?" he asks, as you look back to the book cover and its title. embarrassed, you quickly hide it under your jacket.

"o-oh! it's nothing, really, i haven't even started it yet...haha..." you nervously sweat, waving your hand around to try and distract kazuha, who seemed to be confused.

"hmm, i see. i just chose a novel i thought sounded nice. "the anemo archon's tale". sounds nice, doesn't it?" he asks, as you smile and nod in reply. it did have a nice ring to it.

"sounds awesome! shall we...err...get to reading?" you awkwardly add, as kazuha gives you a thumbs-up, and starts reading his book. you decide to do the same, and open up yours to the first page.


about 45 minutes had passed. you were already starting to feel drowsy as your eyes became half-lidded. you were too tired to even glance at kazuha to see if he was still reading.

desperately attempting to concentrate on your reading, you lean in closer to the book so you could read the words properly. a strand of hair had now covered your face, and past your ear.

you hadn't glanced at kazuha, however, he had at you. he noticed you were staring to feel quite tired the moment you had started to yawn quite often, and would check up on you every couple of minutes or so.

noticing that your hair was in the way, he wasn't sure if he the thing he was going to do. it certainly seemed a bit bold.

should he? should he not? should he just suggest the idea to go back home? all of the ideas flooded his brain at once, so he tried making up his mind as soon as possible.

and so, on impulse,

he gently brought his hand close to your face, moving the strand of hair that had been covering your cheek back behind your ear. his hand slightly grazed your ear, causing you to become startled and look over at him.

all feelings of drowsiness seemed to magically leave at that very moment, as you both stared at each other for a few seconds. your eyes quickly widen once you had realized what he did.

as he pulled his hand away from your ear, you both nervously laughed. however, both of you were crying on the inside.

"i-i think i'm done reading for now! let's call it a day!" you immediately shout out, as kazuha nods with you in agreement. both of your faces were unremarkably red.

"y-yes, let's..." he says, trailing off at the end as if he wanted to say something. out of embarrassment, you both quickly walk to the exit.

"well, i'll- um, see you later..." you awkwardly wave, as you attempt to make a run for it, clutching your book in your hand. without waiting for a reply, you go down the sidewalk.


you quickly feel a slender hand grab yours, as you feel yourself being pulled to face the person.

"" you breathe out heavily. you could feel the steam quite literally rising to your face as a massive blush made its way to your cheeks.

"'re really beautiful, y/n."

kazuha says, before releasing your hand shortly afterwards. he looks up at you, gently smiles, and turns around to face the other way, as he quickly walks over to the convenience store nearby, waving a hand up indicating he was leaving. you could see, though, that his ears were slightly red.

giving you no time to process what had just happened, you drop your book in silence, as you watch him walk away.


fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now