blue shell 🍃

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"so, why'd you come over so early?"

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"so, why'd you come over so early?"

"oh, i don't know...mainly because i just don't have lots to do at home for the time being, i guess." kazuha replies, drawing circles with his finger on the comforter.

"hmm, alright then. how about a game of mario kart? i can go get my switch downstairs." you ask, grinning. he looks up at you and nods before you dash downstairs to get the device.

a few minutes pass and you arrive back into your room with the switch. kazuha waves at you excitedly.

"man, i haven't played since i was in middle school...this brings back memories." he smiles, reminiscing over his past as you turn on the switch and slide the handles on the controllers, handing him one.

"really? i'll just play in my free time whenever i'm bored." you add, selecting your character. you had chosen [character] while kazuha chose shy guy. (IF YOU CHOOSE SHY GUY THEN JUST PRETEND HE CHOSE LUIGI OR SMTH LMAO)

"i haven't played for a long time, so i'll probably suck..." he nervously smiles, as the timer ticks down. you try to hit the accelerator button as the timer hits two, but you were a second too late as you got lost in the crowd of racers.

"shit, i was late at the speed boost!!" you curse, desperately moving your controls in a way to gain more speed. you were currently in 6th place, which wasn't too bad, however...

"kazuha, you're in 1st?!" you yell out, taking a quick glance at his screen which caused you to run into a banana and get placed a spot back into 7th.

"oh, i am? i didn't even notice...i got a slight speed boost at the end too, so i guess i timed it right." he smiles, not even focusing on the game that much while your fingers were practically sweating as your grip worsened on the controller.

"jeez, i thought you said you were bad at this game!" you whine, as you slowly make your way up to 3rd.

"well, i was probably one of the best in my class...but like i said, i haven't played for awhile, so i thought i'd be pretty rusty." he replies, as he throws a shell behind him, which lands on the player in front of you, causing you to make your way to 2nd.

"haha, turns out otherwise! thanks for the shell, i'm now right behind you- and not for long!" you say, using all your mushrooms so then you were practically right on his tail.

"aah! y/n, how're you right behind me?! i glanced at your screen just a minute ago and you were in 6th!" kazuha exclaims, quite astonished at how fast you rised in the ranks, but also a little bit concerned now that he was gonna lose to you on the first map.

"hehe, it's magic! and-"

but just before you could finish your sentence, you quickly saw a notification from the bottom of your screen saying there was...

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now