sweaters and hot chocolate 🍃

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it had taken you by surprise,

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it had taken you by surprise,

when kazuha invited you to his house once again to have hot chocolate. he also mentioned he had a little surprise for you, causing you to wonder just what it would be. eager to see, you quickly put on a hoodie and jeans before heading next door.

however, before you could ring the doorbell, the door immediately opened before your eyes, startling you.


"hey, y/n! hurry, come inside! i couldn't wait any longer to show you your surprise!"

"huh? kazuha, wait-"

before you could finish your sentence, kazuha quickly grabbed you by the hand and led you inside, shutting the door.

"...sorry. you can sit down on the couch, if you'd like. i'll bring over the mugs." he smiled shyly, leaving you to go to the counter.

you sighed and complied, sitting on the couch, waiting for him. it was quite chilly outside, so you had looked around for a blanket. he seemed to have read your mind, as he brought the two cocoa mugs, along with a blanket.

he sat down next to you after laying both on the table, and wrapped the blanket around both of you, so that you could warm up.

"is this...okay for you?" he asks, wondering if you were uncomfortable at the idea of sharing a blanket.

"oh! yes, of course it is.." you blush. there was still a gap between the both of you, but you were too embarrassed to move any closer to him. you guys were going out, but you hadn't gotten used to the idea of doing anything with somebody else.

on the other hand, kazuha seemed the same. he wanted to move closer, but as much as he wanted to, he thought it would make the atmosphere tense.

"man, stop being such a wuss!" you mumble to yourself, and after a lot of pressure, you decided to make the first move.

you quietly move closer to him, so that both of your shoulders touched. he looked at you as you stared back willingly, and rested your head on his shoulder.

he appeared surprised at first, but then quietly laughed. the laugh was light, but you could still hear it. you loved his laugh, after all. well, everything about him, to be exact.

you both grab your hot cocoa mugs in sync as you stare at the fireplace, taking a sip. after a few minutes of silence, you ask him,

"so, what was the surprise?"

"oh, it was...um.."

he trails off as he sits back, looking off to the side. why'd he get all flustered all of a sudden?

"...here." he says, grabbing a bag from the side of the couch and handing it to you. you eagerly look inside.

it was a cute red sweater, with leaf patterns sown into it. it felt very comfortable when you first touched it. knowing this, you quickly put it on and headed over to the nearest mirror.

"woah!! this feels really comfy! how long did it take you to make this?!" you ask in shock, already loving your new gift.

"about two weeks or so...i wasn't sure when to give it to you. beidou also helped me with it, too." he smiles, seeing your surprised reaction.

"really?! you made this for...for me?!" you gasp, grinning from ear to ear hearing his next response.

"....yes. because i love you." he gently said, holding your hand as you both blushed a bright pink.

you both stood there in silence as you stared at yourself...and him in the mirror. just the two of you. he was just an inch taller than you, and he had the best personality, and...you were dating him.

you smile brightly before gently kissing him, showing how much you genuinely appreciated his amazing gift. his eyes widen before they close, as you both forget about everything around you, lost in total bliss.

you both quickly pull away at the same time, beaming at each other. he laughs as he pats your head.

"i'm glad you enjoy your gift." he teases, lifting his hand away from your head. you pout,

"of course i do! this is...this was unexpected.." you reply, feeling the sweater once again.

kazuha tugs your sleeve softly, turning your attention from the warm sweater over to him.

"let's head back to the couch...the hot chocolate's getting cold."


short chapter guys, i'm sorryyy

but good news! i've survived test week, and i have break for this week now!! so more chapters full of fluff definitely coming soon ^^

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now