in your eyes 🍃

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"kazuha, is something wrong

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"kazuha, is something wrong...?"

you ask. you could tell he kept making eye contact with you, but you didn't know exactly why. you had both been laying on your bed just scrolling through posts on social media, not talking for about fifteen minutes or so.

"ah, no- nothing..." he stammers, looking the other way. however, you don't buy his reply, and decide to make him come clean.

you crawl up on him, so that you were on top of him. you place your right hand on his chest while the other was holding his cheek. he instantly become flustered, his eyes widening.

"kazuha, tell me what's wrong." you ask softly, as he scratches his head.

"nothing's wrong." he replied immediately. he seemed persistent, so you decided to keep asking him.

"are you sick?"





"erm, no..."




"tch, kazuha...if you don't tell me.."

you smirk, before carefully lifting his shirt up slowly. his whole face turns red before giving in.

"a-alright! alright, i'll tell you what the matter is!" he says, as you playfully laugh and get off him. he pulls his shirt down mumbling under his breath, cursing himself for giving into your game.

"it's just...well..."

"it's okay, kazuha. take your time to use your words." you said tenderly, holding his hand as you laid next to his side.

"...i was wondering if our relationship is actually going to be...long-time. you know, we're together for the rest of our lives. don't- i'm not doubting our relationship at all! i'm just.."

he takes a second to breathe before resuming.

"these past few days, i've been coming to the conclusion that...i want to be with you forever."

your eyes slightly widen as your cheeks lightly turn pink.

"i know you said we'd be here for each other forever that one time, but...i'm not sure if you feel the same way that i do about this relationship being...lifelong. you? do you want to be with me for the rest of our lives?" he asks, finally dropping the big question.

you take a moment to compose yourself and think of a well-thought out answer that expressed all of your love and thoughts for him.

"of course i do. i want to be with you forever, kazuha. i can't- i can't express how much i love you, how i'll always be by your side until we grow old and die. even when we fight, i'll still love you unconditionally. you don't know how much you mean to me.." you sob, as you both hug each other instantly.

he felt warm; every sad or stressful thought that had consumed your mind for the past weeks or months had nearly vanished in that one moment. all you could think about was him.

you could feel his heart beating rapidly, though, yours was the same. you didn't want to let go. you wished time would stop and it would just be the both of you, there in each other's embrace.


about a minute or so passes before you both part, as you take a moment to wipe your tears. instead, kazuha goes closer to your face and wipes away your tears, brushing loose strands of hair behind your ear.

"...i'm so glad. you're beautiful, you know that? i'm really lucky to be here with you right now." he says, tears streaming down his face. you try not to cry again as he gently caresses your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss.

both your lips meet as you share all the love you had felt for each other in that kiss. he was yours, and you were his. you had both loved each other more than you can ever imagine; to infinity and beyond.

you pull away as you both smile at each other and laugh. you clutch your stomach as he holds you in his arms, your hands slowly moving their way to his neck.

"so, does that count as a proposal of love?"

"hmm, i don't know. don't you think it's too early for that?"

"i do. but whenever you're ready, i am as well." you grin, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead as he pats your head in response.

"that's relieving to hear then. i love you, y/n." he smiles as you both doze off in each other's arms, not worrying about a care in the world.

the world could wait, as long as you two were in each other's embrace.


thank you guys so much for reading!! and a late happy new year to all of you guys! please request what you want next here if you'd like (it helps LOL)


fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now