lingering stare 🍃

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you let out a loud yawn,

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you let out a loud yawn,

as you awoke from your peaceful slumber you had that night. memories were flashing in your head, still feeling foolishly happy.

"god, now's no time to be feeling giddy, y/n...snap out of your love drama!" you scold yourself, slapping your cheek, waking you up from your hazy state.

you get up and go over to your closet, pulling out some clothes that looked somewhat decent to you as you quickly got ready for the day. it was going to be kazuha's first day, after all. you didn't want him feeling lonely or being lost while you were late daydreaming about your stupid fantasies.

you go downstairs to meet your mom, but she wasn't at her usual spot near the counter, sipping her coffee while scrolling through the news as she usually does on weekends. you had forgotten she was busy with work...guess you'll just have to grab something to eat on your way to campus.

"i'm heading out. be a good boy, hiro." you say, patting your dog's head before going out the door and closing it tightly shut, locking it as you hear the dog walk away upstairs.

you smile and head over to the nearest cafeteria to grab a quick bite of something and a warm drink before you head off to campus. you wouldn't dare go to school with an empty stomach; considering you were already practically starving, and your friends would've yelled at you for not eating breakfast.

you go down a few roads as you turn a corner and find the cafeteria you'd always go to when you were a kid. you quickly enter, feeling the nice warm atmosphere immediately welcoming you as you breathe deeply, taking it in.

your mom's friend has been working at the cafeteria ever since you were little, so that's how you were introduced to the place. now, you and your mom go here every once in awhile to catch up and talk, and to also eat of course.

"hi, ms. lisa." you smile, as she cutely laughs at your appearance into the cafe she worked at.

"all ready for college, y/n?" she observed, as she put down your usual order into the register.

"haha! yeah...i also made a new friend this weekend, who apparently goes to my campus, so i'll have to show then around." you explained, as you put away your card. she mischievously quirked a brow, earning a confused look from you.

"oh..about that, i heard. new neighbor, isn't it? what was their last name...ka...kaede...kaedehara! that young man, correct?" she asked, as you nodded happily.

"yep, that's his name."

"ah, i see. so...interested in him? he seems to be somebody pretty attractive...he'll probably snatch a bunch of girls' looks.." she remarked, as you rolled your eyes sarcastically. still, the thought of people looking at him that way made you feel a bit uneasy inside, you couldn't lie.

fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now