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"so, kazuha, what do you do for fun?"

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"so, kazuha, what do you do for fun?"

as a result from the past situation, you both were now walking down the sidewalk of the street to the park to talk more.

"well, i'm fairly well at cooking, so that may count as a hobby. i also like writing poetry...and cats. i have a pet cat; her name's yoshi." he replies, deep in thought.

"i've always wanted a pet cat! but my dad's allergic, so all we've got is a dog...his name's hiro." you say, as you both reach the park.

in sync, you both head for the two swings that were nearby the slide. you took the one on the left, while he took the one on the right.

"you're a swing fan too?" you grin, as he smiles and shrugs.

"not exactly a fan, just a good place to have a conversation. can't imagine sharing hobbies with somebody climbing monkey bars or down a slide, could you?" he jokes, as you playfully punch his shoulder.

"yeah, yeah, i guess so. got any siblings?" you ask, as he shakes his head.

"no, unfortunately. i've just got me and two other ladies in my house; beidou, and ningguang. those are both of their names." he smiles, as your face gives off a shocked look.

"two moms?! that must be awesome!" you add, as he nods.

"it is; even though most of the time they're pretty crazy. anyways, do you have any hobbies?" he asks, changing topics.

"hmm, i am very well versed in video games. i also suck at cooking...hehe. oh! i'm also good at sleeping!" you ramble, scratching your neck with your free hand.

"haha, you seem like a very carefree person. that's good, though. maybe i could cook for you sometime." he replies, kicking the rocks that were under you guys.

"that'd be awesome! what can you cook?" you ask, as he names many different meals you had never heard of, counting with his fingers.

"well, let's of my favorite dishes is-"

"zuzu, is that you over there?!"

both of you were interrupted by a loud voice down the street coming over from what appeared to be kazuha's house.

"...zuzu?" you stifle out a laugh, causing his cheeks to slightly turn pink before he shakes his head.

"coming, mom! well, i have to go. see you tomorrow?" he asks, getting off the swing.

"it's settled. i should probably be heading home soon too, anyways. see ya, kazuha!" you wave, as he takes off waving back at you.

you swing a bit more before you decide to head home.


fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now