aftermath (short) 🍃

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"god, that idiot

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"god, that idiot...saying something like that..."

you sigh. being in love certainly wasn't easy, especially with a guy who manages to make you blush so easily every single time he points out one of your traits.

you were absolutely stumped. you didn't know what to do. would it be too awkward to go to his house after that? to hang out with him normally, like it never happened? no, of course shouldn't do that.

you kept glancing at your phone every five minutes, checking if he had texted you or called you, but to no avail. you were seriously starting to panic.

you felt...quite joyful once those words had left his mouth. you hated to admit it, but the words 'beautiful' aren't exactly told to compliment you in a way for a long time.

of course, you had felt embarrassed, but...

you loved him, too much to even admit.


kazuha, on the other hand,

was blushing intensely as he darted around the corner, never wanting to see your face again after he had muttered those words.

'beautiful'? that word had never popped up even once in his mind to describe a girl, despite his parents. what would you have thought of him calling you that?

quite certainly bold he was, he thought, as he attempted to calm down with some deep breathing after he heard your footsteps slowly leave the exit of the library.

of course, he was most definitely embarrassed, but...

he loved you, after all. he had meant every compliment he noticed about you.


hey, kazuha? can i talk to u about smth? at the park? it's...important


sure, y/n. i'll be there in 10.

thanks, kazuha

(ok just want to sum up REAL QUICK this small chapter was made just because i don't want to make you guys wait another week for the next chapter, which i am still VERY GUILTY ABOUT IM SO SORRY!! i'm a slowass writer so i apologize, and next chapter will be out by sunday, i'll pinkie promise on it 💪

thank you for all of your support and for 1K reads, i never thought we'd come this far in just a short amount of time, so thank you guys sm 😭❤️)


fallen leaves ; kazuha x reader (modern au)Where stories live. Discover now