Episode 3 Apart

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Scene: Not too much longer and Mona would have died if she kept on fighting the Croma in the state that she was in. Once again she was battered beaten an bloody all over and had done her best to keep her and her friend Skyla from separating. The Croma were ganging up on them and Skyla was mostly defenseless against the Croma even with her lazer sword that she had found before she met up with Mona during a massive storm that was effectting the area due to a powerful Croma that was taking control over the entire sector of Micune. This Croma's name was Known as the Dandol. It very powerful as its 50ft tall that takes the appearance of a Lynx with a really long mane wearing a cape with a special type of mythril armor. The Dandol generates massive volts of electricity as it arcs from its body it cause many disturbances with the power in the entire area of Micune due to the fact that the Dandol generates a magnetic field and it wields a giant mechanical Hammer. You could hear the loud banging noises from all across the Micune region from it striking its large hammer against walls destroying more and more infrastructure day after day. Skyla was closing in on the Dandol as it was banging it hammer against the rubble wildly.

Skyla: with all that ripraff its still tricky to get the jump on him. Looks like hes just been doing the same thing over and over again. This is a very odd Croma for me to deal with though I really need to work this our and really get a hang of it. I know exactly where to strike but when can I strike is the question. And thats bothering me.

Scene: The Dandol continues to rush and smash it's hammer against the walls rapidly causing magnetic disturbances and unstable electrical currents that pulse and blast the area. Skyla is taking her time to get any closer than she needs to in order to take the Dandol Croma down. It's in her intentions to either fight it at a distance while stalling it or go in one time for a big devastating blow with her impact lazer sword stabbing him right in the head. She really has to tread lightly in order to get a good shot at him before he can react to her attacks.

The Dandol didn't seem to notice or even have any idea of Skylas presence. All the Dandol did was rampage and smash it's hammer. Skyla thought to herself that Mona would not like the sight of this Croma in action and that if she gets rid of it right now then Mona wouldn't have to worry about it when she arrived though as she thought this the Dandol had made a loud bang and had speed dashed right behind Skyla. The pulsing electricity that arcs off of the Dandol an it's entire body and mechanical hammer had been consent rated into one point and the Dandol raised it's hammer and began to strike at Skyla though Skyla had braced herself and ran far away from the Dandol as it's electrical pulsing attack struck the ground and caused the area to be magnetized  and had thrown her further into the dubris of the other smashed rubble. Skyla was really not in a good spot and the Dandol was after her at full force on a complete rampage as it screams it's loud roars it continueasly swings it's large mechanical hammer and it begins to spring itself forwards as it maglevs it's body towards Skyla. The Dandol has no legs and it's body it made up of almost entirely metal mythril and beastly like organs and claws. Skyla is being pressed by the Dandol and she is not taking it too kindly either she is waiting for her moment to strike when it's about to swing due to the fact that she noticed that every time the Dandol swings it's hammer it maglevs and it causes drag making it slower as it moves due to its massive body not having enough magnetism and magnetic force to uphold its weight. This would be the perfect time to stab the Dandol in its chest were its core is. The core of the Dandol is slightly protected by a large mass of steel grated wires so when she stabs the core she's gonna have to be really careful and stab pass the wires. It appears that someone had the same idea once before as the Dandol has a small scratch on its core but the Dandol had put the steel grated wires on its chest to prevent its core from being attacked again. Who could have gotten this close to the Dandol before Skyla came. The only known person to have been through this area would had been Itoki as he had explained the situation prior to Mona and Skylas advance through the Micune area. Skyla really has to keep up or else she's in for a real drawn out fight that continues to be a hassle for the area being magnetized by the Dandol.

Skyla: I'm gonna find a way to get it to swing it's hammer again once I get in close. It's core is the best shot I can take while it swings and this would finally put a stop to it's disturbance in the Micune region. I can't believe it's been like this for more than 40 years come on Mona I'm counting on you to bring Itoki and the rest with you!

I'm gonna take this thing down before you all show up though.

Scene: Skyla raises her steam lazer sword that's build like a saber with golden wings on the hilt and a golden skull on the bottom of the saber. She presses the button on the saber to enhance its cutting capabilities reading herself to stab the Dandol with one slash. She dashes at high speeds to confront the Dandol as it roars and screams with its thundering hammer. The Dandol swings it's hammer as Skyla had previously predicted and she was prepared to make the strike at its core as she dashed and jump swiftly onto debris to reach the height of the Dandol's head. Skyla takes her saber and stabs the Dandol right in its right eye. As she stabs the Dandol in its right eye her steam lazer saber breaks into pieces at the hilt. Skyla is then hit by the Dandol with its massive ginormous huge paws the Dandol's outrage becomes even more severe than it ever has and as Skyla is the air the Dandol goes to grab her but the rest of Skyla's team backs her up and catches her and takes her to safety from the Dandol.

Mona: Hey Skyla we gotta put this thing down quickly before it causes and more trouble.

Vedou: On your mark! Get set! Go!

Scene: Vedou goes full speed with his steam powered lazer sword with purple runes on it and dashes towards the Dandol spinning so fast rapidly with his special spin technique and he slices off both of the Dandols arms. The Dandol screams in extreme agony and it fires an electric beam from its mouth and eyes to try and hit Vedou though Vedou dodges it effortlessly.

Reiko: Its time to put an end to this!

Scene: Reiko he pulls out a steam powered lazer gun coated in black and red and begins fireing it at the Dandol landing more than 17 shots to its torso. Mona Hydrein and Itoki all charge up attacks with their respective abilities. Mona uses her fire power abilities to fire a massive fire blast beam at the Dandol from her hands while Hydrein uses his Hydra mechanical special suit to fire a energy beam from his five Hydra mechanical heads and hands all at once and Itoki fires a a beam from his arm cannon. All of these blasts combined destroys the Dandol at it catches on fire and gets set ablaze into ashes. Erika and Noll tend to Skyla and her wounds while the others are coming back to Skyla to help her.

Skyla: Thank you all so much I really didn't think that we would be able to win against this one like that but Im glad that all of us are together.

Erika: So much for all of that we have to kill the kitezzu and fast.

Scene: One of their newest teamates show up her name is Garnet and she has long burgendy hair as it covers her eyes.

Garnet: Skyla Mona Hydrein and Vedou!!! Im so glad that all of you are safe we gave had our hands full with Musatake and everything that he has done across this region is horrifying.

Noll: There's no doubt about it we have to finish this up and pronto due to the large waves of croma attacking us and we need to end Musatake once and for all.

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