Episode 8 Yataguri

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Ruben: Its not your choice Ill see to it that Cephyl is destroyed by my hand and only my hand alone. None of you will get in my way.

Scene: Ruben was a mercenary that traveled on his own with his mechanical dragon cyborg that he had created when he was only 13. Ruben was not the type to play nice or fair. He took everything he could get and would any means necessary to get what he wanted. Rubens goal was to get revenge on the Croma named Cephyl that had killed his parents. Ruben was 12 when his parents were ripped to pieces and decimated by Cephyl. Cephyl was a mechanical beast like Croma that was 6ft tall with the stature of a human with the appearance of a dragon. When Ruben was 13 he made a cyborg that looked like Cephyl so that he would never forget the sight of what he had hated the most. Cephyl was no ordinary Croma as he could speak and act like a human being. Cephyl was known to be one of if not one of the worst Croma to ever be created. Ruben has been searching for Cephyl for more than 4 years and with Mona and her team he's finally been able to get a lead on Cephyl. Ruben has torn through parts of the Okenma region along with his cyborg named Accel. He made it to the Prental area which is not far from Okenma both areas were connected an were closely related to each other as the rough terrain spread vastly across the flat land surface. Ruben had not only cleared pathways but he had done a number on the landscape you could tell someone had been through Okenma storming their way through leaving the area even more barren than it originally was. Mona was very upset with Ruben as his onslaught caused them nothing but trouble along the ways in Okenma. The Croma there were far too strong for them to last long against. If it weren't for Mona and her plan to take flight in a electric steam powered jet that they had found on the outskirts of Okenma then it would have taken them 2 weeks to get through the Okenma Valley and the rest of the volcanic ashy areas. They had flown to Prental so fast that it only took them 2 days to make it there. Vedou operated the jet and was able to get it back online after years of it being just laying there in the rubbles and piles of ash that it was on when they got there.

Vedou: Mona let's go!

Mona: I'm right there with you

Vedou: Reiko stop following Ruben before Cephyl finds you

Reiko: Cephyl what?!

Scene: As Reiko turned around A black 6ft tall figure that looked like a dragon that stood upright like a human does flys right past him and Ruben. It was none other than Cephyl. Cephyl was a Croma that was extremely dangerous in the fact that it constantly hunts humans. It had mechanical arms and claws with beastly fangs and eyes that were black and it's body was very sleek muscular and built but with a more slim slender stature. As Cephyl entered the area it scrapped the asphalts ground of the Okenma Valley leaving a large trail of flames behind it.

Ruben: Nows my chance acceleration attack!

Scene: As Ruben began to catch up to Cephyl Cephyl blows a large wave of wind with its wings towards them. It sends both Ruben and Reiko flying backwards at high speeds neither Ruben or Reiko could catch the footing. Accel flew towards Cephyl to attack him but Cephyl didn't pay the cyborg copy of him no mind. He blasted the Cyborg back as well with a concentrated blast of wind as well knocking the Cyborg Accel as far back as Ruben and Reiko. Cephyl then flys up to a bit higher altitude and cocks back both of his draconic wings and blasts a ginormous blast of wind at the entire group it's blast radius was more than that of 2 miles. This caught everyone by surprise but Ruben was not impressed no taking account to his safety or anyone else's for that matter. Ruben sought out revenge on Cephyl for killing his parents when he was only 12 years old. Ruben was not going to let up on his opportunity to finally kill Cephyl.

Hydrein: Oh no this is not good

Garnet: My word

Vedou: It's now or never we gotta catch up! Reiko & Ruben are in danger!

Mona: This is just something else!

Hydrein: Erika save Reiko and Ruben when you see an opening!

Scene: Cephyl blasts another blast of wind at the entire group. The wind completely decimates the entire barren landscape of the Okenma area. It destroyed old ruin buildings and trees and everything in its path. Cephyl is doing this to separate the group from one another and to stall them for a bit. Cephyl is known to do this to not only intercept but to close in swiftly on his prey. Cephyl is very fast his speeds break the sound barrier every time he dashes through the air. It's said that Cephyl may be even faster than Super sonic which would cause them even more problems due to the fact that their boots only allow them to dash briefly need the speed of sound with only Erika and her boots being specially made to go faster and to travel right at that of the speed of sound. Cephyl sees Reiko and Ruben and begins closing in on them right away. Ruben see that Cephyl is about to attack Reiko first but Ruben knocks Reiko back 50ft away from him using Accels Cyborg gauntlet that he made for himself. Ruben then grabs Cephyl and begins to push Cephyl back as Cephyl was flying in close to him.

Ruben: Cephyl!

Scene: Ruben Screams at Cephyl while Cephyl is concentrating on attacking Reiko.

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