Episode 7 Our Moon Plan

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Hiro: If it wasnt for Donlem I could have saved you I would never turn my back on you guys.

Mona: we know that we know exactly what happened.

Vedou: Donlem was doing the same as us only that he had his own army backing him. We told you not to follow Donlem.

Mona: it was a trap there was no way for you to get any leads on him.

Vedou: lets not worry about Donlem lets just get to the port to find this ship so that we can get outta this region of Terrarium and head to Okenma.

Scene: After all the of the trouble Wenvekyx-( pronounced-when-va-kicks) gave them in Terrarium they were not focusing on Donlem. They had already made preparations to stick to themselves and not continue looking for anymore allies. Hiro was the only one left after Donlem that they had met in Ninulock. Wenvekyx was a Hornet like Croma that was able to dig deep holes underground and this caused tremors when it comes back from outta the holes and tunnels that it digs. Mona had fallen into one of Wenvekyx's tunnels and was unable to fight most of the time. This was problematic as Garnet had to fight and defeat Wenvekyx all on her own with a few attempts from Mona who used up alot of her fairy fire to fill up the tunnels she was stuck in with plume of flames that blasted Wenvekyx keeping from going back and forth under ground. This battle took 15 hours and it drained all of them of their strength once they had made it outta the tunnels. Vedou Erika and Reiko had gotten trapped in a tunnel that was further away from Mona and Garnet. Its as if Wenvekyx had set up a trap for them prior to their arrival where Wenvekyx's emensively large 70ft wide nest he had made decades ago. Wenvekyx himself was only 50ft. Mona hated the sight of the hives that they could see as they traveled further to find the ship that was docked so that they could finally set sail to Okenma. It would take them 6 days to make it to Okenma and they had already been notified by Hiro that there was an area of lush plantation right before they make to the shipyard area. It was great that they could finally catch a break from the Croma that had infested the area. Okenma was nothing but a land of long la large barren plains that had volcanic activities each and every where you could turn. The area was one of the worst areas in the region and there was nothing more than infestations of Croma that were there. These Croma were larger and could cost Mona and her team lots of time before the area becomes even more infested with Croma. There was not much that could be done afterwards in hind sight of the problems that arise with the reason why they are on this journey. It's to find and stop and to put an end to Doctor Aterigus and his plans for control over the entire world. They knew that they were close and that his headquarters weren't far off.

Hiro: Since you all are making your way towards Okenma I have to just say this what will you all do once you find Doctor Aterigus?

Vedou: To put a stop to him of course

Hydrein: Its only a matter of time before we actually see anything worth noting and not much of anything will be accomplished once we set things right. If we do find him we are guaranteed to continue onwards.

Reiko: we have no idea if he's even alive still

Garnet: it's been 10 years and maybe what Noll said is true.

Vedou: That Doctor Aterigus died the day he unleashed the Croma on the entire world and that there's nothing but his rendition of his name and work left over.

Garnet: Well we do know that the Croma ritual cannot be stopped and that it turns people into Croma. Over 80% of the worlds current population is Croma.

Hydrein: Yeah we know that it's just too much of a hassle if he's not alive

Reiko: After what Noll said I don't think he's alive just look at all the signs there's not a single trace other than Musatake and we all had to put him down.

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