Episode 1 You Are With Me

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Scene: Mona had not slept for 2 days on end at a time and 32 days of constant horrors and struggles to be exact the entire world seemed to had come to an end. The whole nation had been destroyed by the Croma in which they are biomutant like monsters some are mechanical too and that they were created by none other than the well known regional scientist Doctor Aterigus. Mona was fighting off the Croma with her bare hands using everything she could to make her way outta the tower she had infiltrated due to the fact that shes a special forces police officer and she was investigating the area and tower to find leads on where any other officers were stationed during the invasion of the Croma. She stumbles upon a prison cell that seems to have what looks like a fairy that has black & purple wings with moon designs on her wings and tattoos. Mona goes up to the prison cell and looks very closely at the fairy and thinks to herself " whats a fairy doing here of all places" Mona sighs and then believes that who ever did this shouldn't have and that fairy's are extremely rare and that finding one here was not only wrong but very morbid and just not sound enough to believe. Mona knew she had to do something about the situation. She pulls out a steam powered electrical lazer beam sword that was 4ft long with engrams and white stones implanted on the hilt of the sword. She takes her hand and cocks it back at full force swinging it and the lazer beam sword melts through the steel bars. Mona then steps inside the cage and begins to touch the fairy. The fairy wakes up and immediately her eyes start to glow and she looks at Mona and she then flys up and fuses with Mona's body. Purple and black flames spark off from Mona's body as she begins to see that her entire body looks like its on fire with purple and black flames.
As this occurred the fairy begins to speak from inside the mind of Mona. The fairy speaks and tells Mona that her name is Ceres and that she's a fairy.

Ceres: if it wasnt for you Id be dead its only a matter of time before our bodies and mind become one.

Mona: Wait what the! What is going on here!!

Ceres: its alright I split my lifeforce with yours very soon we will both be together forever.

Mona: wait what together for!!

Scene: As soon as Mona is about to finish her sentence the Croma that were chasing her in the tower finally catch up to her. When she sees the Croma her body sprouts the purple and black wings with moon designs and tattoos on it and purple and black flames surrounds her entire body. She flys swiftly through the corridors of tower and intercepts the Croma.
Mona's body is moving on its own and she has no idea what to do about it.

Mona: omg what do I do what do I do!!!!

Ceres: your just a host now so just work with me.

Mona: wait what!!! a what!!

Scene: Mona body is moving and flying around on its own as its dodging incoming lazer beams and attacks from hordes of Croma.
Ceres is doing all she can to help Mona but shes straining herself far too much due to her sharing her remaining lifeforce with Mona.

Ceres: Okay I need you to bare with me.

Scene: Intense Purple and Black flames begin to swirl around rapidly from Mona's palms as shes flying through the corridors.

Ceres: I need your help I need you to concentrate and connect both of your hands together as if you were stiring a pot.

Mona: wait what what's going on I dont know

Ceres: I need your help please

Scene: more incoming fire comes from the Multitudes of Croma surrounding Mona and she dodges it while flying.Mona almost gets blasted but she somehow deflects one of the lazer beams back at one of the many Croma that are unleashing their assault against her.

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