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May 8th, 2019

"Holy shit what are you gonna wear?" Ayla asked as we all sat in my room. Today was my first date with jake and id be lying if i said i wasnt nervous as hell.

I went into my closet and scanned for something to wear. "Where are you guys going?" Saphia asked. "Some restuarant" i said, still looking through my clothes. "Wear something white" ayla said.

I found a light yellow dress with little sunflowers on it and held it up. "How's this?" I asked and they gave me a thumbs up. "White heels?" I asked. "Ooh let me pick them out" saphia said walking into the closet with me and looking through my shoes.

I got dressed and ayla did my hair, putting small flowers in my hair. "Okay hes gonna be here soon" i said smiling.

I put my heels on and grabbed my purse off my bed. Ayla looked out the window and shrieked, "Belle he's here" she yelled. "okay guys, don't blow up my house please" I said walking to the front door.

I opened the door and he stood there playing with his fingers. "Hey" I said softly. "oh my god" he whispered and I smiled. "Have fun you, two not too much fun" Saphia said and we both laughed. "Bye saph" i said waving at her as we walked to his car.

He held the door open for me and i climbed into the passenger seat.

✧゚・: *
We walked into the restaurant and got our table. "So isabelle, what do you do?" he asked and i raised my eyebrow. "For a job" he said and i laughed. "Im in a band" i said and he smiled.

"Tell me your story" he said smiling. i admired his bright smile. "Okay so, i was born june 5th in corpus Christi texas, um im 23, and i dropped out of highschool senior year. Theres really nothing that interesting about me" i said chuckling.

The waiter came to take our order and i ordered a salad and tea. We made random conversation until our food came and then i brought up the topic of 'icks'. "What are your icks?" i asked him. "I hate smoking" he said and immediately my face went red.

I don't know why but something hit me right there. Oh my god ive been trying to find ciaran in him. "Holy shit" i whispered to myself, running my hand through my hair. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I-i have to go" i said grapping my purse, getting up from the table. "Did i do something?" he asked sadly and i felt my heart sting. "No no no i just- i have to do something. im so sorry" i said.

"You're a really great guy jake, you deserve someone who's just as great" i said kissing his cheek and walking out of the restaurant. I walked quickly down the sidewalk. The boys' house was pretty close so as much as my feet were killing me i walked all the way there.

I knocked on the door and ian answered the door. "He's in his room" he said stepping aside. "thank you" i said softly. i walked upstairs and knocked lightly on his door and he opened it.

His hair was messy and he looked like he just woke up. "Did i wake you?" i asked. "What do you need isabelle?" he asked changing the subject. i sighed placed a kiss on his lips. His arms held my waist as my hands cupped his face.

I never noticed how free i felt when im kissing him. I pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine. "Ciaran" i whispered. "Yes?" "i hate you" i said and he chuckled.

We sat down on his bed and i laid my head on his lap. "Why do you look so fancy?" he asked. "I was on a date" i said. "Oh" he said quietly. "How did you get here?" he asked. "I walked" i answered.

He stroked my head gently and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Do you wanna spend the night?" he asked and i nodded my head. He helped me take off my heels and he gave me the hoodie.

"You know im never giving this back right" i said and he smiled. "Good, you look amazing in it" he said and i placed my lips on his again. He held my face in his hands to deepen the kiss. He laid me down next to him and kissed my forehead.

For the first time in a while, i felt content.

𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮- 𝐂𝐢𝐚𝐫á𝐧 𝐌𝐜𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now