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How are you ?

Let me introduce myself because who writes an amazing book without introducing themselves first?

My name is Eninca Ibrahim ,and I just finished school.

Well just high school -am looking forward for university but that's like a whole different kind of school.

For a while I wanted to write a book like this like a memoir you know get to enlighten people on whatever I went through and whatever life taught me ,maybe make you laugh your ass off or your teeth for the older than 21 but there was one problem.

All the memoirs I read about were written by some wealthy off famous person who got alot to share they all be inspirational and mentor you to making it big like how they did.

So I  have been through alot but I am not rich or famous and I am pretty dependant right now .I am not like Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey or Tiffany Hardish but because I have all the time in the world right now I came up with the perfect book concept.

This book shows what I have survived so far ,high school and yes I was not thefirst or  last girl to finnish high school but I bet to be the first one to make a book out of it .

So as you read further just know that I didn't go through high school recording everything in a secret camera I hid in the bushes, this is high school as I remember it , interpreted it and chose to present it ,trust me I won't lie to you but just know feelings are very subjective and one man's passion is another man's poison.

Some few facts....or terms !!

Precious blood  girls sec...the school I studied from form one to form four at 2015-2018.Aka PBG at Arusha Tanzania .The place that inspires the existence of hell

St Christina girls sec ....the school I studied from form five to form six at 2019 -2021 ,Aka SCG  The place where perfect mind games and psychological torture are played .

Preps ... preparation studies as at when you go to study hard so as to pass exam .

CAT.....continuous assessment test .

Oh I sure hope you would love this book !!!

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