middle of the end .

25 0 0

     I think I told alot about my school experience.

    Not everything but alot .

Dear wattpad ,

Hello it's me .....I have been wondering if I have a chance in your nonfiction spotlight ...

Because my book it's deserted, and lonely .

And I feel frustrated to be the only one reading it .

Hello from this other side

I have been thinking a thousand times

That I deserve at least one small chance

To tell you my feelings about the things I had incurred.

        I really been thinking this book is dope , I don't know if the best but ...

    Anyway I had fun writing and whether this book will remain at zero views or if I will unpublish it or if in a blue moon chance it does get famous -

It has been great writing it ...

   This story was brought to you during my form six holiday . The holiday where I am busy as crazy writing on wattpad . So far my highest views are 22, from romance systems ....

     Wattpad is a great place except when my book I just published disappears , then reappears when I rewrite a new one . Then have a book duplicate itself but when I change the contents it just refuses to change also have book covers randomly disappear and people reading without voting or voting without reading .....

   From ,
This desperate girl

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