what do you do in school?

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I know I haven't talked about  the other opening days,but you can't understand that before I say some other few thousand memories.

There are some teachers who used to ask
Who came to school to grow up?

Where they always answered themselves by saying nobody.

Whose parents paid thier school fees for them to come to grow up here?

Again they answered themselves by saying nobody.

Cause we all came to school to study not grow up.

So as a student I knew better to not argue with teachers but really we pretty much went to school at age of 12 or 13 with few on 14 we were going to grow up!.

Like seriously I began form one before even puberty officially hit me ,I had not even gotten my first period and these teachers feel so motivational by telling us school is a place to study not to grow up?

I totally grew up in school and I actually didn't began thinking of studying as a serious thing until the CAT ONE results were out to which I was among the bottom five.

So that brings us to the topic ,what do you do in school.

As much as I want to give you a one dimensional answer you don't just study.

There are plenty of things that happen in school dear apart from studying that's why this book got written.

Yes we go to school as normal humans so we still sleep at night.But you just don't sleep like a baby.

At school, sleeping takes courage for example you are in the middle of the night prep ,you are supposed to be studying right?.

But it's 8pm you have been awake since 4am so you feel sleepy as hell....

What you choose to do defines your courage ,if you sleep despite the fact you may get caught and get punished by matron or a prefect or the head mistress herself then your grades will be followed to see if you are a genius then you are courageous.

But if you are lucky you may not get caught.

There are other scenarios like you have an exam the next day and people are planning to go study till past midnight while you wish to sleep immediately at 10pm ,going to sleep proves your courage and if you pass the exam you prove to be a courageous genius.

The third form of sleeping that can be called courage even if I tell is not is sleeping during a lesson.You may be in a lesson trying hard to listen to the bullshit the teacher is teaching then suddenly you can't take anymore.so you sleep , involuntarily.

Except for some teachers every sleep is voluntary.Even when it's the whole damn class sleeping.

Teachers react differently when one sleeps ,some laugh at you, some call out your name, some don't even wake you up but if you fail they say something like 'it's because you are always sleeping' ,if it's alot of people sleeping there were some who give washroom breaks or start making jokes ,some punish you(mathematics teacher).

If you sleep alone during preps or during an exam in a week where the teacher on duty is  following on sleeping in class, your name might get written or your picture can be taken by the teacher for show and tell.

One thing to say is at precious blood going off to study after preps was illegal you all had to go to sleep.But this rule got broken by the people who went to school to study.

At st Christina it was very legal but some time they placed a midnight curfew which was later broken.

I loved my sleep but it's hard to go to sleep when you are stressing on all your feeling on your hella difficult  studies..

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