perculiar and random things ..

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On this part I will tell on some stuff that are either perculiar or random or both!

1: Report card comments .

As I hinted before I had happened to be in the negative side of history to the headmistress and teachers .

Till today why this happened is a mystery , was it just bad luck ? Was I really a villan in disguise?

Teachers used to comment wierd ass things on my report card , I started to think maybe I was bipolar or had split personality or something because we have on one side the jolly good girl version of me .

Then we have the in displined ,rude , arrogant disrespectful MONSTER that sister used to see...

Then we have the in displined ,rude , arrogant disrespectful MONSTER that sister used to see

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In the report above the class teacher's comment (which is in Swahili ) says

She has good displine ,but she needs to add efforts in learning ,she needs to stop reading novels in lessons and also to reduce lazyness in doing exercises.

But the headmistress comment...

She can do better in class if she changed her behaviour of arrogance and contempt .

I don't know can an arrogant person be displined at the same time ?Tel! me what you think in the comments..

I don't know can an arrogant person be displined at the same time ?Tel! me what you think in the comments

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In this report the class teacher says

She should add efforts in her personal cleaness , and completing class works also she should corporate with her fellow students .

The head mistress's comment in this one is in English (spoiler alert it's not the head mistress who wrote it )

And it says

Eninca can do better than this ,she should concentrate in her studies in order to improve her grades and should also improve her personal cleanliness .

The one who commented is the displine teacher.

I could put other reports but I don't have them , sadly they got swallowed into the Bermuda triangle and they won't come back ( I think mom burnt them ).

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