our own award show?

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One of the positive things in PBG were the CULTURAL DAY COMPETITION !

It was epic ,a very big highlight of the year .

The competition involved each class participating in several things like acting ,modern dancing , traditional dancing etc where the winning class gets a trophy and also there was an overall winner trophy .

There was time to prepare ,I think one month where people showed their limitless deep collection of creativity and uniqueness .

Classes would fight with one another because of copying of ideas accusations and being helped by teachers in some things .

Money would be contributed by classes for materials , Shit would get real..

The prizes were trophies (that get returned) also some food stuffs like juice or soda , biscuits ,sweets ..

The value of the gifts could even be less than the efforts but the recognition of being winners is the greatest .

Just knowing your class is the overall winner feels like you just won the Oscars .

This is an example of timetable for the competition that I had happened to store from 2016

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This is an example of timetable for the competition that I had happened to store from 2016 ...just to show that stuff were serious .

In 2018 we were the overall winners .

They put pressure on you in form four by saying no form four has ever not become the overall winners .

Basically the chances of form one winning are so slim they are next to nil .

The overall winner trophy 🏆

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The overall winner trophy 🏆

The trophies for the other stuffs (and the overall again )

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The trophies for the other stuffs (and the overall again ) . For the other trophies mostly one class dominates which end up being the overall winner .

    Am going to add this for emphasis, like in every year after the competition passed, it will be followed by the students complaining to teachers about unfairness, the form which wanted to win but didn't hating the form that won even teachers too had thier form of arguments against each other.

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