opening days .

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This is the first I narrate about school because its literally the first day of school.

The day I go to school there is always a storm going on in my head .

I wish to die and rise back as soon as the term is over ,but things haven't always been this way.

Things became this way when I turned 13 and had to go to secondary school-all the way to Arusha in Precious blood girls sec school.

I remember it as if it was yesterday- 3rd January -2015. The day my entire life changed .

Relax I didn't die or get kidnapped by aliens ,I opened school ,that was that .

I was actually abit hyped up for school ,2 of my relatives were studying there so I was already introduced to them and they told me abit about the place.

So first -I wish those two could have told me straight ahead the kind of hell I was getting my self into .

The school had an amazing environment,later on I learnt why ,because the students become the freaking labourers !but let's not talk about that because no student becomes a labourer on thier first opening day.

I am not really the kind to cope into an environment very easily ,so trust me by the end of the day I was exhausted stressed and  kind of depressed but it was a unique less painful kind-who am I kidding I felt so bad I cried myself to sleep that very night .

Why? ....first I didn't get to say goodbye to mom it was devastating,then the prefects were very bossy and they all looked so older and mean .

Then we had to carry our bags by ourselves to our dorms which was in forth floor (according to the school but they called ground floor as first floor so it was actually third floor).I had a very heavy loaded trunker and though I did not carry it alone it was still damn heavy.

I knew no one was alone from my primary school and I pretty much didn't warm up to strangers easily.

So though looking back I see 3rd January was a dope opening day 12 almost 13 yeared me didn't think so.

The rest of opening days got worse.....hurray!

The rest of the opening days ...I really didn't want to give any spoiler alerts but life was t sunshine and butterflies after 3rd January.

We had a one week orientation week ,what happened was this .we were slowly introduced to the concept of being school labourers by the prefects,it was subtle at first but slowly shit got serious.

We did very basic things that I had zero experience of ,wish to say I coped up very easily but honestly I was lazy as hell.

We were given time to sew our names on our uniform and my huge ZERO experience with needle work gave a great reason to be depressed.

I ended up just using correction fluid to mark my clothes.
I did a good job on writing my name in a VERY ACKWARD HANDWRITING in almost all the things I own .

So second -I wish someone had told me I was going abit overboard on the name tags because I marked a beautiful wallet I still have but sadly can't use in public.

I covered my books ,which was pointless because I did a TERRIBLE job and the covers didn't last long .

The prefects taught us to sing the school song.This was very important but I didn't realize this till I went to high school.

St Christina sec school in Tanga ,they didn't teach us the school song but the expected us to sing it ! was sad to sing a song where people lipsung and then the teachers got mad and told us to repeat .

We were later on taught how to sing it but it was one year after where we had to beg to be taught because in due time there was no lipsinging just low voice mummering that made the teachers mad .

Also we watched high school musical 3 it was a huge privilege to sit and watch people who biggest problems in high school was having to break up.

My biggest problem in high school was not killing myself.But I didn't know this by that time,this problem came much later .

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