actual entry?

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On this part I want to write of actual words I wrote back then when my school was equating me to a potato .

First what I wrote to my mom ....

Dear mom ,

I hope you are fine , for me Iam fine . Iam going on with my studies .Dear mom yah I have to study and all but my dreams don't like base on what I am studying right now .

I have read the book of Discorvr your possibilities and by this time which Iam writing we are in CAT 3 .

I have planned to get As and Bs only especially in math, bookkeeping and physics why? because the other subjects I am positive of I am determined enough I will pass except for those three .

I have kept alot of efforts in math and I mean alot of efforts in math I mean it like three books for revision .

If in this CAT  I don't get an A then there is only one thing to do...... accept that the problem is not me .

      If I do alot of revision and still fail it means there is some other problem .Maybe we are identifying the wrong problem ! Mom I also planned this in my head :I want to improve and then pass mock and national then please I want to shift school.

        Mom I have thought this over and I have come up with one solution I want to go to a day school .

My opinion is that if I am in day school every evening I will come back home and study with extra efforts and on weekends I can plan a timetable and schedule my success plan ,unlike at a school where they bound you with a timetable and all to do's , punishments ,duties ,cocalicular activities ,all tied up to one person making time short .

          I have decided to end there in the letter .

Personally as I read the letter I could siptill feel the frustration and pain I felt back then .
If you feel like' oh this letter shows nothing of what you said!' then my apologies for making you read bullshit. But if you agree with me why don't you comment on the issue ? Or vote ? Or BOTH?

    I smiled when I read the beginning of the letter about my dream not basing on what I studied.

Also I laughed at past me thinking if mom read the letter she could agree with my idea (shaking my head ) .

I am now waiting  to go  university ,am I finally going to study what I love?

Hell no dear, (laughs  in  writing and self employment is not a real career philosophy ) .

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