Home Home for the Piglin

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When the small Piglin woke up, he still kept his eyes closed, because normaly he would feel pain from his wounds. But... he felt a soft blanket, no pain, and he heard some rather friendly sounding voices.

When he opend his eyes he saw five normal people. He was confused and scared at the same time. The people were just eating as a young looking, brown- blonde haired girl looked at the piglin to see his eyes open. "Dad look! The piglin is awake!" The girl said with a rather happy voice. She ran to the piglin and put a big smile on her face. "Hi there! Don't worry you're safe here. My name's Lixi. What's you're name?" The piglin was kind of confused, because he didn't fully understand the human language. "M-my n-name is T-techno." He said with a scared voice. Lixi was quite happy and she calmed down a little. "Hi Techno, you realy don't need to be scared. You're safe from those other piglins. And are you hungry?" The girl said. In reply Techno just nodded, so Lixi went and got him some food. The piglin was very happy to see the amount of food Lixi placed on his dish, 'cus normaly he would have to fight even for a bit of food. As Techno was eating, the older man, Philza, stood up and walked over to Techno. "Hey, I'm Philza by the way. You can just call me Phil tho." Techno rememberd him from flying. He had big gray wings that facinated Techno.

Even tho Techno had a blanket, him was cold. The Nether is a very, very hot place. So when you come to the overworld, it is a little chilly.

Another figure made his way to Techno. "Hi, I'm Wilbur." The piglin nodded again. At last, an older woman came to Techno. "Hi Techno, I'm Kristine. But you can call me mom." Then it clicked. Techno has been taken in into the family. The piglin tried to jump from joy. Then he rememberd his wounds and fell. Phil luckly caught him and put him back on to the sofa. Techno was indeed waaaaay to happy.

"So any way, how old are you?" And now was the end of kommunikation for the piglin. He didn't understand Phil, so he just shook his head. Phil didn't know what to do. He didn't know any Piglinish. So Phil just went into his library to hopefully find a book on Piglinish. Luckly he found one and gave it to Techno. Techno tride to form a sentence: "Me seven old." Phil let out a small chukle and nodded right after. "W-where me?" Techno asked Phil. "You're in the overworld, when you feel better Will and Lixi can show you around." The piglin nodden and looked at Willbur and Lixi.

Suddenly he heard a scream from the table. When he looked in the direction, he saw a small two year old. He was screaming probably because he was hungry. "Oh and that's Tommy." Will said. Phil went and fed Tommy. Everybody exept ,Techno, went back to the table.

After they cleaned up, Will and Lixi went to they're room, to get something. When they came back, Will had a big wood thing and Lixi had a smaller wood thing with a stick. As they took a seat in front of Techno, Lixi took the stick and dragged it acros the wood. At the same time Will did somethig with his fingers on his wood. Suddently a buetyfull sound started playing. Techno looked with wide eyes as Lixi and Will started doing something. (Will was playing guitar and Lixi was playing Violin)
Eventually they stopped and asked Techno if he like it. Techno nodded heavely with a smile on his face.

Those three spent the whole day together. Will and Lixi couldn't wait to show Techno around.

Wordcount: 651

Hope you like the storry. If you have any funny headcannons, please write then into the commens . Otherwise,
Peace out

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