Wings and a crown

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In a week it's gonna be Technos 11th birthday. And because Techno loves to read royal-strories Will and Lixi wanted to do something special. They wanted to make a crown for their brother. They asked Phil and he nodded. Lixi and Will happily went into the mine to get some gold nuggets. They came out with quite a few minerals. Lixi watched as her older brother made the crown. They even put a little bit of Redstone, Lapis and Emerald in the crown. The two were very excited about their creation. They showed it Philza and he was genuinely impressed by the two.

Another Timeskip to Techno's birthday

Lixi woke up with pure pain all over her back. It hurt so much that she cried. As Will wanted to wake his sister up, when he came into her room, he saw a sobing Lixi on the bed. "LIXI! Are you OK?" "I c-can't even mo0ove." Will hastily got Phil. Phil looked at his daughter with worrie, then he put his hands on her back a smirked. "WHAT'S FUNNY ABOUT LIXI BEING IN PAIN!?" "Her wings are starting to grow." "I have wings?" Lixi said excited. "Jep, but for the next two or more weeks your probably gonna be in pain." Phil explained to the curious Lixi. "Hmpf." "What're you guys doing here?" A young Tommy asked. "Isn't today Technoblade's birthday?" "Jep, but your sister is gonna stay in bed for the next weeks." "Oh, ok." Everyone went to the kitchen except Lixi. She heard a happy scream from Techno. The boy rushed to Lixi's room to say thank you. Lixi just giggled in return.

The next weeks went by rather fast and before she knew it, her wings have grown with beautifull orange feathers. Phil and her trained above a pond, so that even if Lixi woul not know how to fly she wouldn't die. She masterd her wings rather quickly and now just needed to train them so that she can fly longer than a few minutes. She was also learning how to fight with a trident. She was pretty good at it and fought of a few mobs already. Techno and Wilbur also trained with swords and shields. Phil showed them how to make potions and how to repair wings with phantom-membraines. Generally it was just a lot of training that will be usefull in the future.

So ye. This is it.

Good Mornig/Noon/Night to you guys aaaand


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