A new nation

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A/N Thanks for 40 reads! I try my best to update this book as much as I can, if you have any headcannons that i could put in this story, just write them in the commens. Anyway on to the book


Timeskip 9 years

A lot of time had passed and now, Techno, now 20, was one of the best pvpers, Wilbur, also 20, was a fücking god when it came to playing the guitar, Tommy, now 16, also became a good pvper and Lixi, now 18, wilded the trident and was verry skilled with her wings. The four were unseppreble and Phil was pretty imressed by his kiddos. 

Wilbur, Lixi and Tommy wanted to go away into the nature and live alone, while Phil and Techno stayed at home. The three knew it will take a little bit, but they will do it. After a little while, the journey began.

"Are we there jet?" Tommy asked every few blocks. "Listen here you little shit, if you don't shut up, i will take Wilbur and fly away without you." Lixi had enough of his skqieling. A bit later, they spotted a nice clearing and set up camp there. Lixi and Wil built a nice truck that they called home while Tommy went to the Dreamsmp and built a dirt shack there. After that, Lixi and Wil didn't hear anything from him.

this is Wil
this is Lixi

Hey Lix?

Yeah, whats up

Wanna start a Nation?

Wait... What?

A Nation.

Have you lost your mind?


You know how much me and Tech hate goverment.

I didn't  say anything 'bout goverment.

Errrrrrrrm... ok I'm in, any plans?

We need a lot of stuff from blazes and a whole bunch of netherwarts.

We don't have any obsidian.

We could go to the Dreamsmp and ask Tubbo or Tommy for some blazerods or blazepowder. And maby get more people into our Nation to help us.

Ok, just know. If I get even the smallest singe of goverment. I'm out.

Got it!

Ok, then lets go.

The two get ready and go outside. Lixi picks Wil up and starts flying towards the dreamsmp.

As they land there, they see some weird structures in front of someone's base. Anyway, they go to Tommy and tell him their plans. Tommy wanted to help them but didn't have any blaze bits, so they went to Tubbos home. Tubbo joined their Nation and wanted to give them his blaze bits, but Sapnap came a snached them out of Tubbos hands and ran away. Lixi was furious and prepared to fly, but Wil stopped her. They went to Erets house and asked him, he wanted to be a member of the Nation and gave his last blaze bits to them. They still didn't have enough tho, so they went to Fundy and asked him. He agreed and also joined the Nation. Sapnap listened to everything they said and told dream. He already knew but appreciated Sapnaps help.

Meanwhile the group went to their van. They started brewing on the stands in the van and now had a lot of dru- potions. But they heard something from outside, it was the DreamTeam. Fück. Was the only thought the group had at the time. They went outside and saw Dream, George and Sapnap.

"We need to investigate that van."

Dream said in a deep voice. Lixi tried to hold them of with her wings which didn't work. When they came in and saw the Potions they collected them all. They also caught Tubbo, Fundy and Eret. Wilbur and Lixi hid. Dream and Sapnap escorted the three while George stayed and searched for Wil and Lixi. Lixi and Wil knew they couldn't stay in their hiding spot for ever. So Lixi activated her trident that was on the table and 'cus of an Enchantment that was on the trident. It flew towards Lixi and pearced George right through the back. When George relised what happened, it was already to late.

Georgenotfoud was killed by Lixi using (Fuck the government)

The message popped up on the communicator. Dream was verry salty about what had happened, now George had just two cannon lives. After that, Wil and Lixi flew to their escorted friends and freed them. The next day was rather chill. The group came back to their van and started planning a little. The day after that, they started their plans. First of all, they built high black walls that surrounded the van. Next, they gave their Nation a name.


After that they did just a few bits and bobs in L'manburg and went to sleep after that.

The next morning the group woke up to people yelling their full name.


Shit. The group got their weapons and ran out. There they saw the DreamTeam.
"What do you want?" Wilbur asked with mismatched emotions.

Dream looked Wilbur in the eyes and Sapnap took Lixi and put a sword right in front of her neck. Wilburs eyes widend as he saw his sister taken hostage. Lixi tried to fight with her wings, what didn't work. "Let her go now!" Wilbur made a step. Sapnap made a small cut in Lixi's neck as Wil made the step. "Every step you take, your sister is gonna pay for it." Dream said with a smirk on his face. Wilburs and Tommy's eyes were filled with horror. "Destroy L'manburg, become a part of the dreamsmp or see your sister get killed three times. You have three days to decide." Wil watched with fear as he saw his younger sister get taken and escorted to the Dreamsmp. "no." Wilbur said as he started tearing up. His sister was everything for him. "Hey Wil. Everything will be ok. Trust me." Tommy tried to calm his older brother down. "W-what sh-should I-I do?" Wilbur asked while sobing, "T-they will kill L-lixi either way." Wilbur fell onto the floor. "Hey Wil, try to calm down and then we can form a plan, we have three days to think." Fundy said while rubbing circles on Wilbur's back.

Lixi got trapped near the community house with obsidian. George was patrolling around the obsidian box and smirked at Lixi every once a while. Lixi's wings were tide up, which hurt more than it should have. Lixi searched her Inventory and found a stone pickaxe. She waited until she heard George walk away to get food. It will take a while but Lixi wanted to break the obsidian with her pick. George luckily was away longer than he should have been. Lixi mined the obsidian and got out. Her pickaxe broke so she now had nothing that could help her in case of a fight. Just as she walked out she saw George and started running. She still didn't free her wings so she wasn't able to fly away. George eminently shot an Arrow that landed in Lixi's leg. Lixi fell over in pain. As she wanted to stand up, Lixi turned around and George sliced Lixi's eye. Lixi stood up, still in pain and punched George's arm. He let his sword fall and it accidentally sliced Lixi's arm. She picked it up with her other arm. As Lixi stood in front of George she saw Dream and Sapnap run towards George. She swiftly  cut the string that was holding her wings and flew away. When she was in the air, she threw the sword after Sapnap and killed him.

Sapnap was killed by Lixi using (DREAMTEAM IS THE BEST)

Lixi flew in L'manburgs direction but landed right in front of the wall. Her wings just couldn't fly anymore. She sat down in pain and tried to pull out her communicator but couldn't. Her eyes slowly fell closed and after that she blacked out.

When Wilbur saw the message on his communicator, he was shocked and worried for Lixi. Fundy went outside of L'manburg and saw a very hurt Lixi. He picked her up in bridal style and ran into L'manburg. When Wilbur saw Fundy had Lixi in his hands, he got bandages and Potions asap. Lixi recoverd rather quickly thanks to the Potions. As she woke up, Lixi was happy to see her brother and friend in front of her. She had a scar and a blind eye on her face, but she was alive and that was everything that counted.

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