The overworld.

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The night passed and Techno could now walk again. After they ate breakfast, Will and Lixi took Techno outside. Techno was facinated because of the green gras, colorfull flowers and the blue sky.

The next thing he knew, he was dragged by Lixi and Wilbur to the swing. As they passed the lake, Lixi saw somethig shiny. She walked to it with Wilbur and Techno behind her. It was... some kind of big greenish-blue fork. It was roughly as tall as Wilbur. Lixi took it with her and after that, the three started walking to the swing. Will pushed Techno on it and helped Lixi push him. Techno was having a lot of fun.

After that, Will and Lixi showed Techno a seekret. It was a little tree house that the two made. It was small but comfy. It had a chest, a workbench and a fluffy rug. Techno was a little suprised, to say the least. Those three spent a loot of time together until Philza called them. Lixi took the big fork and they went home together.

When Lixi showed Phil the fork, Phil asked in a worried voice: "Did you three fight a drowned?" The three shook their head while Phil sighed in releaf. Phil took the big fork that was actualy a trident and put it away.

As they ate dinner, Wilbur was happy about something. "Why are you so damn energetic, Will?" "DID YOU FORGETT THAT WE ARE VISTITING NIKI TOMOROW!" Will screamed at Lixi. "Oh, you mean your chrush?" Phil said while laughing. Suddently Will was redder than a tomato. "N-niki is NOT my c-chrush." Techno was a little confused why Wilbur was so red. "Will, ehm, you ok?" Techno said, a little worried. "Oh Techno, he's perfekly fine, he just realy likes a girl but he won't admit it." "B-but he's red." "Yeah, that happens when you talk about your chrush." Phil teased Wilbur. "NIKI IS NOOOT MY CHRUSH!" Wilbur screamed at Phil. "So why are you red like a tomato then?" Phil teased him further. "Ok, enought. Eat up and then you're going to bed emedeatly!" Kristen(Lixi's, Wilbur's, Tommy's and Techno's mom) spoke up. After that everyone was quiet. Kristen smirked and they finished eating.

They did go to bed but Will couldn't fall asleep, so poor Techno that was sharing the room with Wilbur, read Will a bedtime story: Sun Tzu Art Of War. After that, Will was a little confused about what Techno just read. But he still fell asleep. Techno went to sleep right after.

Hi! Another one done. There's gonna be another chapter today so wait and see.

Wordcount: 446

A sleepy girl? -sleepy bois inc FanficWhere stories live. Discover now