Surat Al-Hijr Reflections

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Assalamualeykum everyone, I know its been a while :( I was busy and when i did have the time to write, I was finishing up my other book, An American Muslimah and Alhamdulillah its completed now so I can finish working on this book. Insha’Allah this book is benefitting you all and since this is the reflection chapter of Surat Al-Hijr, I strongly encourage you all to comment about one thing you can reflect upon. Below are some of my reflections :)


1)Do we live our lives doing futile things wasting our lives and time?

Let them eat and enjoy themselves and be diverted by [false] hope, for they are going to know. (Qur’an:15:3)

Most people live their lives around food and entertainment but life isnt just for living and having fun. It’s to worship Allah and we should live a purposeful and meaningful life.

2)Are we happy that we are Muslims?

Perhaps those who disbelieve will wish that they had been Muslims. (Qur’an:15:2)

Perhaps today there are those who mock our Islam and go to the extent of banning the hijab/niqab, draw cartoons of the prophet (pbuh), etc. but we shouldn't let that affect us. One day they will regret all of it and would wish they had been Muslims. As Muslims, we should focus more on our deeds and ignore the haters.

3)Should we give up after we sin thinking that we’re hopeless and can never be a good Muslim?

[O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful. (Qur’an:15:49)

Shaytwan tricks us into thinking that since we’re very sinful there’s no hope and we should continue sinning. This is a wrong belief. We are all sinners as we are children of Adam (as). It’s in our nature to sin as we’re not angels. However when we do sin, we should repent and sincerely ask for forgiveness with hope from Allah swt as He is the Most-Forgiving and Most-Merciful and leave that sin. Remember shaytan is our enemy and he wants to see us fail. So don't let him.

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