Surah An-Nur

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Background of Surah An Nur:

Surah An-Nur was revealed in Madinah after the 6th year after the prophet (pbuh) migrated to Madinah. This surah is similar to surah Al-Baqarah, Al-Ma'idah, etc. because it also contains islamic laws (sharia) in it that govern our lives. There are 2 levels of sharia laws:

Commands us in our personal lives. These laws are not punishable under the islamic government but they still need to be observed.

Commands for our social lives and these are punishable by the islamic government

This surah has laws mostly for our social life (second one).

We have to understand the context of these sharia laws. They are only applicable when there is an islamic government; punishment can only be carried out in an islamic state. If one is living in a non-islamic government ie. Canada, then we can still study it and value it.

Name of the surah is An-Nur meaning the light. The surah is named the light as light brings us out of darkness and leads us to guidance and it also brings peace to our lives. The surah is a solution to many of our problems.


[This is] a surah which We have sent down and made [that within it] obligatory and revealed therein verses of clear evidence that you might remember.

The introduction of the surah is Allah swt telling us that this surah was sent down to us from Lord of the worlds and He has made it obligatory upon us. The words of Allah swt can never be disputed with so we have no say in Allah's commands.

There are clear proofs and verses in this surah that clarify Allah's commands and message.

*The word obligatory mentioned to remind us not to take these commands lightly. The fact that Allah swt made it compulsory upon us means its serious and for us all.


The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah , if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.

The first punishment that is mentioned is the punishment for zina (adultery). Rapist also fall under this category because they committed sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Evidently the victim of rape is not to be punished as she was the victim and innocent. Those guilty are only those who willingly committed sexual intercourse outside of marriage.

Both the man and woman who has committed the sin of zina are to be flogged 100 times. There are guidelines that have to be observed. The whip must be made out of animal skin (leather) so when the guilty are being flogged, the whip doesn't dislocate their shoulder, break any bones, etc. It must only hit their skin. The 100 times can all be done in one day or over a period of time depending on the person's physical health.

We are told to not feel pity for the ones who are being flogged as they are guilty. Sure morally we feel bad for them as they are being hurt but we cannot stop the flogging and say "it's okay then don't have to be punished". This punishment is part of the deen so we shouldn't let compassion stop us from carrying out the legal punishment.

This punishment is to be carried out on public meaning a group of believers should be there to witness the execution of the punishment. This is so that the believers take a ;lesson and are reminded not to do zina. Crimes are only prevented when we see the consequences of it in public.

*The punishment of flogging 100 times is only for those who committed zina while their marital status was single. If a man and woman committed zina while married to someone else meaning they cheated on their spouse, their punishment is much more severe and for them is stoning to death.

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