Surah Al-Falaq: Verses 1-5

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Background of Surah Al-Falaq:

Surah Al-Falaq and An-Nas are the last two surahs of the Qur'an and both are known as the surahs of seeking refuge (the 2 of which Allah's protection is sought). Both Makki surah and both surahs start with I seek refuge. Surah Falaq was revealed after surah Fil.

Verse 1Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak

The prophet pbuh is being addressed and after him every single person and believer is being addressed. The word refuge is to seek help with one, trust and rely upon them and not leave them for a moment because if we leave them, we will suffer harm and will be vulnerable. So we as Muslims seek refuge with Allah alone. But in this verse the name "Allah" isn't mentioned. Instead of Allah, Allah is described as the Lord of daybreak (crack of dawn). Falaq (crack of dawn) is not only limited to morning. Also refers to creation because creation begins by cracking ie. shell cracks and chick comes out, cells break apart and baby starts to form, etc. Allah is the Lord of daybreak and the entire creation; He is the one who creates darkness and replaces it with light so asking Allah to saves us from every darkness and danger and to protect us.


From the evil of that which He created

Everything Allah has created has potential to do both evil and good. In regards to our soul, Allah says it has both good and evil. This is why we see some people are kind and nice at one point and the next minute they are angry and mean. No creation is perfect whether human, jinn, sun, water, etc. Water is a source of life and yet the same water when it floods causes devastation. So here we are asking Allah swt for protection from the evil of creation. Sometimes we become paranoid of evil so we don't trust anyone, etc. Some say they don't want to get married because what if doesnt work out? But does this mean we remain in constant state of fear? We can't keep running away from our fears. Ask Allah to protect us from these harm and evil. In fact our own soul is our greatest trial as it commands us to do evil. Our soul is always with us so we can't run away from it and cant get rid of it. The only separation from our soul is at times of death so seek protection from the evil of our soul. After nafs is shaytwan because he inspires us to do evil. Then there are other creations such as other people, animals, etc. So whenever fearful of getting hurt, recite this surah. If Allah created it, He has power over it and can protect us from it when we ask Allah for help.

VERSE 3And from the evil of darkness when it settles

This verse is about evil of darkness of the night and also refers to when the moon is out. From hadith the prophet pbuh told Aisha (ra) that this is the darkness (looking at the moon). The moon comes out in the night and because many things are hidden in the night due to darkness so we are more vulnerable. Seek refuge with Allah from evil of darkness. So when the moon has settled and night there , and the moon is settled and won't go away till daybreak, this is darkness of the night so seek refuge with Allah. Many crimes are done at night because they can remain hidden. Don't be afraid but rather call upon Allah to protect you. Don't be paranoid.


And from the evil of the blowers in knots

Seek refuge from the evil of the blowers of knots. One who blows repeatedly in knots. This refers to magicians and sorcerers because they read their spells and in these spells are names of shaytwan and praises for him and after they recite, they blow into knots. This verse is about seeking protection from those who perform magic.


And from the evil of an envier when he envies."

And seek refuge from the envier. Envier is one who dislikes the fact than another has been given a blessing from Allah that they dont have and they want that that blessing is taken away from the person. So this jealousy doesn't just remain in their hearts but also comes out in forms of backbiting, rumours, etc. So this envy harms the envier and the one being envied. The envier can also give the person envied the evil eye. Don't be paranoid so turn to Allah and ask Him to protect you.

Allah gave us such a beautiful solution to our fears and paranoia. You have this fear and don't want to take a chance, seek Allah's refuge. 3 evils mentioned: night, magic, jealousy. All types of difficulties we face come in these 3 evils. People fear the night, don't know who is doing magic and who is jealous of us and giving us the evil eye. Also root of problems in life is due to the unknown causes of evil just like the matters of the night, magic and envy is unknown. 

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