2. 9 : Dinner Reunion

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Lucas already put little luna to bed as he then quietly shut the door

He walk towards the kitchen and look at the woman back who's washing the plate

Rachel De Siella

The woman he been marrying for 5 years out of business collaboration of her grandfather and him

He knows very well what kind of person his wife is, she's timid in nature and afraid to hurt someone because of her, that's why everytime this woman look at him, there would be huge guilt in her eyes as she keep apologizing because she know that

Lucas had already someone in his heart and that person is someone who bully Rachel when they were still in the royal card academy

"Why are you here?"

While Lucas was mulling in the past, Rachel had finish and just saw him standing in the door

"Go out"

Lucas said as he then sat in the sofa without saying any words

Rachel eyes look at him with mixed emotion as she quietly lower her head and walk towards him and ask timidly


Lucas give her a glance before saying "Moon Hotel, Dinner Reunion banquet, Our friends"

Rachel didn't dally as she then change her clothes to a simple dress that is presentable and leave with Lucas immediately

As they arrive at their destination, they were greeted by one of Lucas friend, Xeo Flush

The people in the banquet are from rich and respectable family so the banquet could be said luxurious

Lucas who just enter darkened when he saw someone he know very well and said sternly

"Who said you could be here?"

The banquet was immediately silent at his word, the atmosphere was awkward for a moment before it return to a joyful one as one of his friend jokily explain

"Well, she said she's free so I invited her... It's not like you're her mother, alright? You're too strict!"

The other laugh including the woman they talk about, Rachel only awkwardly laugh as she silently clench her dress

The banquet continue, Lucas chat with his old friends while Rachel just eat dessert in the corner doesn't want to socialize

A woman that has stayed beside her husband the whole time excuses herself as she then walk towards Rachel direction and happily said


Rachel eyes shine brightly as her lips curve into smile as she gently said "Scarlet"

Scarlet Heart, Rachel only close friend during her school days in the academy

Scarlet give Rachel a hug and then said with enthusiasm

"How are you? Does that bastard Bully you? God, why are you too skinny?? How about you divorce him and marry me?"

Her voice is a bit loud so all her word were heard by the men

Her husband, Frederick Heart run towards Scarlet and immediately hold her arm as he pitifully said not minding his image being ruined or being laugh at by his friends

"honey, what about me? Don't you love me??"

"No, I love my Rachel more" Scarlet ruthlessly joke

Everyone laugh at the Heart's couple interaction and added more scary jokes to Frederick which frighthen him to death as he keep yelling at them they won't get divorced

Rachel also laugh at their interaction and find them a very loving couple

"Fine fine, I won't divorce you, You're the person I will only marry in this life and the one I will forever love and pamper, my darling~"

Scarlet said as she held her husband chin to move it forward in her face



"shut up!"

Frederick face turn red whether from shy or embarrassed but it makes everyone laugh more especially to the men

The Heart's couple love story were very known by the people in the banquet, her wife, Scarlet is the 'husband' while Frederick is the 'wife' and in bed, Scarlet is on top, Frederick is bottom which actually reversed

While everyone was on laughter, Lucas quietly glance at Rachel and grab someone wrist as he then walk away with someone

As he saw that nobody is here, he then turn around and strictly said to the woman behind of him

"Didn't we agree we won't see each other again?"

The woman wanted to explain but Lucas didn't let her have a chance as he walk away and plan to return to the banquet

"Lucas, I had a daughter!!!"

"So what?" Lucas coldly ask

"You're the father of my child"

Lucas cold expression broke, he immediately turn around and frown

"What do you mean?"

The woman walk at Lucas and tries to hold his hand but was slapped away by Lucas

"Grace, my patient is at its limit, explain why you suddenly had a daughter? No.. Explain on HOW did you suddenly become pregnant and bear a child?"

The woman infront of Lucas is Grace, the person he loves the most and the person Rachel feel guilty the most but because of what happen a last year ago where he was drugged by his beloved and forced to do the deeds, his affection was turn to disgust especially when she said she wants him to give her 10,000, 000 dollar

Lucas heart ache at that time and can only give her the money in three condition and that is.....

Treat each other as stranger, don't let him see her again.. And don't let her be pregnant

But now that she's infront of him, saying she had a daughter, Lucas feel a sudden headache but there's a little anticipation in his heart as he know very well his heart still had her and hadn't move on yet

But recalling that he already married and had a obedient daughter, he already guilty because he cheated he doesn't want to make them more miserable anymore so he plan to end his feeling with Grace now while nobody is around so he quickly ask

"how much money do you want this time? how much do you want to end our relationship? I don't want to tangle with you anymore"

"I -" Grace was starting to say the number but someone interrupted

"What do you mean Lucas?"

Hearing such familiar voice that hold sadness and anger, Lucas immediately look behind him and saw her standing shakily, clenching her hands in her dress, tears trying to stay but still fell down in her face as she ask again looking at Lucas full of emotion that hard to explain

"What do you mean Lucas?"

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