Chapter 16 : You're Too Late Again

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After completing her first ever mission, Charlotte life still the same except for the times her little system pop up some notification about her mission which she will find some plenty random excuses to her best friend, Ashley

《Ding! System detected another cardholder!

Syn robotic voice sounded on Charlotte head as it then added with impatient tone in it robotic voice

Host, hurry! This time the jack of Spade is catching up and will take your prey! 》

Charlotte sigh at her system antsy and then excuses herself saying that she have something to do

"Can you just stay with me for a while and just do it later?"

Ashley was very reluctant and unhappy to be apart from Charlotte ever since the day that the annoying bees left them alone

"I can't" Charlotte shook her head in disapproval and then tried coaxing Ashley until she agrees

After seeing that Ashley nodded in spite being unwilling, Charlotte then left hurriedly like she's chasing something (which is true)

《 Ding! The cardholder is now nearby, would you like to teleport there? YES or NO 》

Hearing it, Charlotte hurriedly said YES in her mind as she suddenly felt something in her body as she then suddenly arrive at the place where the cardholder would be

"Syn, Disguise on"

《 Alright! Joker's Disguise activate 》

In a blink of an eye, Charlotte saw herself already on her Disguise and her face is already cover in smiling mask

There's a slight changes in her Disguise due to points that Charlotte receive every time she finish some side - mission

The weird hat which suppose to cover her hair remove and only to dye her hair black and the outfit she wearing is now a dress which will leave the Jack's a hint of her gender if they see her

The only thing that hasn't change is the smiling mask which Charlotte really didn't plan to change it

"So where he/she now" Charlotte ask, looking at the place surrounded by darkness

《 Wait a second host, Syn will locate where he hiding 》

Charlotte just nodded and without even 1 second, a window-like screen appear infront of her which shows the hiding spot of the hider

Charlotte then grin evilly behind her mask

Outside the place where Charlotte and the hider was

Adam hurriedly locate the red dot on his watch which shows a hider with a sign symbol of his is hiding

As he arrive, Adam suddenly stop on his track as he suddenly feel something is amiss

'Could it be?' Adam eyes suddenly widen as he then hurriedly open the door and enter

But what he found is only a piece of paper laying on the floor which written... For him?

Adam frown as he then pick it up and read the content

You're too late again😝
- J

Adam tear the paper in anger and punch the wall fiercely

"I'll definitely not lose to you next time... Joker"

Not far away from the place where Adam now, Charlotte was busy talking with her system, Syn about her mission not knowing that she once again anger the Jack of Spade

"Syn, If I suddenly-"

Before Charlotte can ask, Syn urgent robotic tone echoed her mind

《 Host watch out!! 》

It was already too late for Charlotte to dogde the approaching person so as the result the two of them collide and then sitted on the floor

《 Host, are you alright? 》

Syn ask worriedly as it then appear infront of Charlotte who just stare blankly on the floor

Syn panic a little as it then circle around towards it host to try attracting her attention but fail

"Mnnn" the person moan in pain as she then rub her butt which hurt from the impact

Standing up, the person look at the girl who seems to be in daze with surprise as she then said cautiously with a mix of longing


Syn surprised as it hurriedly use a imaginary hammer and hit it on the it host with force

Eventhough it's just an imaginary, you will still receive pain from it

Charlotte suddenly 'ssss' in pain as she then complain to her system 'It's hurt you idiot'

"Luna, is that you?"

Charlotte was surprised hearing the name as she then look up and was more dumbfounded

'Syn, what should I do? She seems to know me!'

《 I don't know》

Their worries suddenly gone when they see the person look at Charlotte with dissapointed and sadness look and mumble

"ohh.. your not Luna"

"Who's Luna?" Charlotte pretended not to know and ask

The person who hair is dyed with white and had a purple eye suddenly changes her attitude on Charlotte

"It's none of your business"

After that, She snorted and plan to left but was stop and look again on Charlotte face seriously

"What are you looking at?" Not only Charlotte, even her system was panic when she look at Charlotte so seriously

The person gaze suddenly stop on Charlotte neck and was silent for a very long time.....

Suddenly without any warning, the person reach out her hand and smile warmly on Charlotte and said

"Hello I'm Eline Ace! It's nice to meet you" Again

The person said her last word on her mind and was smiling sincerely to the white hair girl(Charlotte)

************Author's note**************
This chapter had only 800 above words as I seems to have a hard time writing it as I forgot a lot of things especially their names 😅hehehehe silly me 😂 This is for today's chapter... I hope you like it 😁

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