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I didn't realize for how long I cried . I could see it was dark now and Ava was in a deep sleep. She is not gonna wake up anytime soon.

Looking at her only reminds me of the things which I did to her. I have slapped her countless times. My hands went towards her cheeks and I started caressing them. I fed her drugs. Oh god! How can I forget how much she hates them?

I hurted her. I harmed her. The one whom I promised to protect forever, I hurted her. How will I face her? All she ever did was for me. But, still I was cruel to her. My Retribution made me blind. I was not able to see this fragile and innocent girl infront of me.

But I am still angry at the fact that she hid all those things from me, for all those years. She never told me that her father was like that.

This small head of her hides a lot of things, but now its time for her to let them all out. And to be free. Free from all the pain, all the suffering ,everything.

There was a knock on the door. I checked if she was comfortable and then went out. I closed the door carefully and quietly , not wanting to wake her up.

"What is it Robert?", I asked.

"Sir , the investigator has sent some things, for you to look at", he said.

"Okay ", I said and went towards my office, with him following closely behind.

I sat on the chair and glanced at Robert.

"Sir , he found a pen drive at Miller's apartment back in UK. It might be related", he said handling me the pen drive.

"You can leave", i said

I took the pen drive and turned on my laptop.

There were CCTV recordings for various days. It was their old house's living room. Is he insane? Who puts CCTV cameras in their living room?

A particular date picked my interest.


The day which changed my life. The day I lost everything. Without any second thought, I clicked on it.

It seemed like any normal day . Them having breakfast. Her father telling her not to slut around with her nerd boyfriend. The heck he is saying. What kind of father talks to her daughter like that? Ava rushed out of house after that. Her father also went out soon after.

Her mother was there, cleaning stuffs. I fast forwarded the video.

After what seemed like 8 hour, her father returned. And started shouting and beating her mother.

It makes my heart pain thinking Ava grew in such a toxic environment. Her family was a living hell. But yet she was happy with me. Giggling and laughing. But god knew how much pain she hid under that beautiful smile of hers.

I was there for her, but yet I wasn't . I am ashamed of the fact . I called her my love. I told her that I will protect her from everything. But I was not able to do anything. But why didn't she tell all these? Didn't she trust me enough? Didn't she believed the fact that I was capable enough of protecting her.

After beating her harshly, Derek tied her mother on a chair and sat on the couch.

After some time, Ava entered the living room and she was horrified seeing the scene. Her father pointing a gun at her mother's forehead.

She told him to remove the gun. But he wasn't. Instead he told her to help him in killing my parents, if she wanted her mother to be spared. Ava refused. But then he told her that he would kill me also. I could see Ava break down. The pain and guilt in her eyes. But she accepted. She accepted to kill my parents. She could have told me and things won't be that bad. I will never forgive you Ava, for hiding it from me. But at the same time , I am angry at myself for not knowing.

He told her to cook cookies , like she used to and bring them to my house. She did it. I could see Derek putting something in cookies, probably the sedative. All this time she was crying and looking towards her unconsicious mother.

I know what she did was for my sake but how can I forget the fact that she was the one to drug me and my family. She was involved in the mess.

I saw that, even after he told Ava that he will not kill her mother. He did it. He tied her on the fan , choking her. So it all seemed like suicide. Who the hell murder's his own wife, that too for no reason? After which, he sat on the couch like nothing happened, talking with his man, if the mission completed or not. This man ruined my life just by sitting on his couch. I swear, if he would have been alive,I would have killed him again.

This man is psycho, a real psycho. He was smoking as if there isn't a dead body above him. Like he didn't destroy a happy family. Anger was rushing in my veins. Anger and rage was filling me.

I saw Ava returned and almost broke down seeing her mother dead infront of her eyes. She went to her father, pulling him by his collar and shouted at him.

He slapped her so hard, that she fell on the glass table , breaking it. Pieces of glasses struck in her. She was unconsicious and bleeding heavily. Her neck was bleeding badly. My eyes teared up seeing her like that.

And that man just sat on the couch like it was nothing.

"Call the ambulance damn head , she will die", I shouted , as if he could hear me. I didn't realise that, I said it aloud. It's as if she was lying there infront of me, on the verge of dying but I couldn't do anything.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, he called the ambulance. The ambulance came in 10 minutes, and they took her. He was talking with the police, telling how is wife was attempting suicide and how his daughter was trying to stop her.

"Bullshit", I shouted and threw my laptop. I was screaming and crying. Even if I kill this man hundred times, it won't be enough. Why did I killed him so fast? He didn't deserved such an easy death. I wish I kept him alive , so I can kill him again .

I went towards the alcohol cabinet and took out a bottle. Gulping the whole bottle in one go. My throat was burning, but that was nothing compared to the anger I was feeling.

I emptied two bottles. I started feeling a bit dizzy, I went towards the couch, with the third bottle in my hand. It wasn't long until sleep took over me.


Sometimes, Guilt and Regret is the greatest chastise..........

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