New Place, New People

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He held my hand and started walking towards the door. As soon as we exited the room, my mouth hung low. He wasn't lying when he said it is a castle. I was just walking with him hand in hand and looking around.

 I was just walking with him hand in hand and looking around

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"Do you like it?", he asked

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"Do you like it?", he asked.

"I love it. This place is so beautiful.", I said.

"It indeed is, love. But not more than my queen", he said making me blush.

"Someone has become a cherry", he said with a chuckle.

"No", i said sternly and glared at him.

He giggled. We entered the dinning room.

I could see all the maids standing in a line, with there faces down

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I could see all the maids standing in a line, with there faces down. And they were shivering.

But why are they shivering? Is someone over here? But then I got reminded. It is because of my mafia kiddo.

I saw Aldric's face. His expression changed into a cold one. He sat on the head chair and I sat beside him.

The whole table was filled with variety of food. I stopped this, back in his mansion. Like we just eat a few dishes and all of other dishes are wasted. What is the need of all these variety dishes? They can just ask before cooking, and cook the ones we want.

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