Upside Down

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Ava was gone for a while and hadn't come. I was talking to Mr. Capri. He was proposing to invest in his some construction project. Honestly, I was least bit interested. But, he was an elder and also my father's friend, so I didn't want to reject him right away. But this girl. Where is she? I told her to stay by my side. But no, she has to defy me. Let me see, where this girl is?

"Mr Capri, I really like your project. Why don't we discuss it some other day?", I asked.

"Yeah sure, son", he said.

"Enjoy the party for now. I have to look for my fiancèe right now.", I said.

"You got yourself a really beautiful lady, Aldric. You should cherish her for lifetime", he said.

"She is a gift given by fate to me. She is worth cherishing", I said smiling.

"Take care, I will see you", he said.

"Sure uncle", i said and he went.

Now time to search for my princess. I started going towards the direction she went. But my steps halted when I heard a gunshot.

I turned around and saw Lucas, the leader of Fab Mafia. What the hell is he doing here? Does he know? But how? And even if he knows how dare he come and cause a ruckus in my party? The hell, he is not going back alive. I saw all the guests ran out of the mansion. Where is Ava? I hope wherever she is, she doesn't come out.

He was standing there with his men and smirking. Does he know that he got into the lion's den? Does he think with this small army of his, he can take down me? The leader of AJ Mafia? The person who does not have a face but can still make people fear his name. Does he know that he is standing in front of AJ? And if he knows how dare he? How dare he got the gut to ruin my party? The party which was for my princess. Today  is his last day and also the last day of his whole damn gang. I could see the few guards I had, came behind me.

"Oh, hello Mr Johnson. We thought about coming here and congratulating you and your fiancèe for getting married", he said with a cheeky smile. Sarcasm dripping from his tone.

" That's nice Mr Lucas, but you didn't had to ruin the party", I said.

"You see Mr Johnson, I like to make a grand entry", he said smirking.

"And to what do I owe your grand entry?", I asked smirking.

"I got to know your little secret Mr Johnson. Not actually little but a huge one to be exact", he said. Oh so he knows it. Which sick head tell him that? Or did I underestimate him? Maybe. But one thing is for sure, he will not make it out alive. Just then my phone vibrated. I looked and it was Vincenzo.

"Can I pick this call Mr Lucas, before we continue this conversation?", i asked.

"Sure Mr Johnson. But would you mind keeping it on speaker?", he asked smirking.

"Ofcourse", i said.I picked up the call only to meet the voice of a hyped up Vincenzo.

"Boss people got to know about you being AJ. It is all over the news. The underworld has turned all chaotic. And ofcourse the business world too. Fabs somehow got to know it and they have leaked it. And they might attack in your engagement party"

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