Going back

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I got up and squinted my eyes. Sunlight was passing through the curtains and onto my face.

I am not in the mood to get up. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep again. But was interrupted by granny barging in the room and shouting.

"Ava get up , fast", she shouted and started shaking me. I squinted my eyes to look at her.

"Ava get up. You have to get ready. Fast", she said.

What the heck is it now? I furrowed my brows signalling her to tell me why.

"You are leaving", she said.

What? Where? Why?

"Boss, told me to get you ready ASAP", she said.

I got up. What is he upto now? Is it finally my last day? Please god let it be my last day.

I headed towards the washroom and had a quick shower. I came out in my bathrob. Granny already picked a dress for me.

 Granny already picked a dress for me

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I picked the dress and wore them. She made me sit infront of the dressing table and combed my hair, putting certain make up things and a light tint of lip balm. It's the first time , I am putting make up here.

"Done. Now come with me", she said and took my hand, dragging me with her. I got reminded of something. So I stopped.

"What?", she asked.

I took my hands from her and headed towards the sidetable, taking my notepad .

"Done? Now come. It's getting late", she said and started walking. I followed her.

I sat on the breakfast table, with him. Don't tell me . I got ready, just to have breakfast with him .

Breakfast was served. Honestly, I don't have any appetite. But I have to. Because he once said that if I don't eat breakfast, he is gonna shoot granny, which I don't want. She is like a motherly figure for me and in this one month, I have grown fond of her. Though I know, she also pities me like everyone else. But still I am glad, that atleast I have got her.

After we finished breakfast, he told me to follow him. Which I did. He sat in a car, signalling me to also sit. I sat with him in the backseat.

"Sir, should we go?", the driver asked.

"Yes", he said. With that the driver started the car and we set off. It was the same road, where he brought me few days ago, to meet his pets.

There was complete silence in the car. I was glancing outside the window. As far as my eyes reached, there were only trees and different kinds of wild animals.

Why didn't these animals attacked the villa? Maybe they were trained. After all he is a Mafia, he could do that.

After some moments, no more trees were visible. All I could see was blue ocean. A plane came into view and also there were some choppers. Seemed like a small airport to me. The plane was on the runway, ready to take off. The car stopped, few meters away from the plane.

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