I Pity You

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I woke up with sun rays falling on my face. I glanced towards the balcony. The sun was shinning brightly on the trees. Cool breeze was blowing making the trees to dance. I got up and sat on the bed.

Then it struck me what happened yesterday. I was in the basement. My father was there. He was killing him. Stabbing him brutally. I don't feel bad for my dad, he deserved it. But the thing that, it was Aldric who was doing those things made me horrified. He is no more Aldric. He was right. Aldric is dead. He is AJ.

Tears filled my eyes . I burried my face in the pillow and started crying, letting everything out.

There was a knock on the door. A man in all black came in.

"Boss wants you on breakfast table", he said and went away.

What the hell he wants today? Will he kill me? Yes, he killed my father yesterday. Today it's my turn. I should get ready , before he comes and does something.

I quickly got up and went towards the washroom. I took a quick shower. I was nervous and terrified. Today is my last day. Yes, it is. It's good, I will be free from everything. My guilt. My regret. My sin. I have nothing left in this world. It's better, if I die.

Sometimes, I just wished to kill myself, but I stopped, thinking that I have to continue living in this hell  to reprimand. But now I can't . I can't see my Aldric as a monster. A heartless monster. That was the last thing I wanted. Nothing can be more of a punishment than this. I am ready to die in the hands of that monster, for the sake of his retribution. For the sake of my Aldric's Retribution.

I existed the bathroom and wore the first thing that caught my eyes.

There wasn't many dresses in the closet but whatever was there, was beautiful

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There wasn't many dresses in the closet but whatever was there, was beautiful.

I stood infront of the door, debating if I should go or not. I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of that monster. The monster who is all I have left. My everything.

I opened the door. The guards escorted me towards the dinning area. I was scared and nervous. I started trembling.

I saw him sitting on the dinning table. I walked towards the dinning table approaching the chair that was at the far end.

"Do I need to remind you again, where you have to sit?", he asked in his cold voice, sending shivers down my spine. Without, any other thought, I sat on the chair beside him. He was scrolling through his phone. Different kinds of dishes, were there on the table.

"Wha-t wo-uld you like sir?", a maid asked  him.

" French toast and ham", he said.

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