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All I could see is dark. I don't know how much time it has been since I am here. Am I dead? Or am I still alive? I don't know. Suddenly, I saw a light. I got up and started to walk towards the light. No matter how much I walked, I was not able to reach there. I started running. I ran and ran.

It felt like, I was running from days. I was exhausted and tired. My body and mind was giving up.

"Ava", a familiar voice said. It was coming from back.

My steps halted. I turned around, only to find my mother in a white gown.

"Mom", I said and started running towards her. Surprisingly, I could speak here.

I hugged her tightly. "Mom, I missed you", I said and tears started flowing from my eyes.

"I missed you too,my daughter", she said.

"Am I dead mom?", I asked her. Since I could see her, it is a high chance, that I am dead, right?

"No, you are not my dear. I am here to meet you for a short while. You still have to live your life Ava. Someone is desperately waiting for you there", she said.

I let out a chuckle. "No mom, no one is there for me. I am all alone. I know no one is waiting for me. In fact, people would be happy to know, I died.", I said.

"And how do you know this?", she asked. I sighed.

"You have a long life ahead of you. Don't loose hope ,okay? You can't loose with life. Come on, you are my brave daughter,right?" she said.

"Yes mom", I said wiping my tears and chuckling.

"Then go and show them that you can fight. You are not weak,okay?", She said.

"Yes mom", I said.

"Now I will go, just follow that light and you will reach your destination. Goodbye", she said.

"Goodbye", i said and waved my hand smiling. She disappeared. I turned towards the light. She is right, I can't loose so easily. Thanks mom, for giving me hope.

"Let's do it", I said and again started running.

After what seemed like hours or may be days, I reached the light. I touched it and I saw I am in a room.

I squinted my eyes. I could hear some beeping sound. I looked around me. I was in the room that AJ gave me in his mansion. Some wires were attach into me and there was a oxygen mask covering half of my face.

My legs and hands felt like they were jammed so I tried moving them.

The gate opened and I saw a lady entering the room. She gasped looking at me and rushed outside.

After few minutes, I saw a group of people barging into the room and rushing  towards me.

They started doing certain check ups. After what felt like half an hour, they removed the wires and mask from my face, except for the IV drip which was attached on my wrist.

A nurse helped me sit up. My body was slightly aching.

"How are you feeling?", the one which seemed like head of all these doctors, asked me. I showed him my thumb, telling him that I am fine.

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