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Taking her inside, I made her sit on the couch comfortably and went to cook dinner for her. She seems quiet happy these days.  I am glad that she is trying to move on from the bad days. Earlier, she rarely used to smile and now she is beaming. She is no more scared of me. She is comfortable now.

I won't let her go through anything again. I will protect her from everything and give her all the happiness in the world. She deserves the world, and I will give it to her if she wants. I just want her to be happy and smiling. Though I miss that sweet voice of her. I really want her to speak. I want her to shout at me, scream at me, giggle and laugh. And I will do that, even if it takes the world for it.

Though she hasn't forgiven me yet, but I will make sure to earn her forgiveness. I can do anything for that. Even if she says, to kill myself as a punishment , I will gladly do it.

I placed the dishes on the table and went to her. I saw she was writing something in her notepad. Probably some lyrical lines. I will make sure to read them later. I always read, whatever she writes. They are all so good, that it makes me cry. The one she wrote that day, the day of the accident, hurt me the most. But I will make sure to turn those sad lyrics into happy ones.

I went towards her. She glanced at me and immediately closed the notepad. I see, she doesn't want me to see. Too bad princess, I already read them.

"What are you doing?", i asked her. She shook her head.

"Let's go for dinner", i said and she stood up and ran towards the dinning table.

This girl. She doesn't want me pick her up. But, I always do. I don't want her to feel dizzy from walking or doing any physical activity. Though, she says, she is fine but I still can't risk it. I don't want her to get hurt again like that. My heart clenches, just with the memories of her, when she was in hospital.

I followed her. She was already  on the chair and eating the dishes. Her mouth was already full and she was having trouble in chewing. I chuckled.

"Princess, eat slowing no one will take it from you", i said. She glanced at me and glared. Aww, her cute blue orbs, looks so cute while glaring at me. I chuckled and sat beside her.

She again got engrossed with her food and me staring at her. This is my favourite task to do. Studying her beautiful face. She put a plate infront of me and served me food. She signaled with her eyes, to eat. I shook my head, as I was busy admiring her.

She sighed. She brought the fork filled with meat infront of my mouth. She was eyeing me with those beautiful orbs. Can I deny the food offered by my love herself. I ate it. It tastes 100 times tastier from her hands.

She ate the other bite herself. She wasn't feeding me now. I pouted my lips

"Feed me, please", I said with a sad face. Please fall for it, please.

She sighed and started feeding me. The best meal I ever had. I was having the time of my life. I have never been happier like this, since my parents died and she went away.

Just then, my phone had to ring to disturb my moment. I ignored it. It kept on ringing. She patted my shoulder , signalling me to pick up the phone.

I swear if this is for something lame then, that person will be buried deep in the ground.

But unfortunately, it wasn't. It was from CEO of my company. Some files needed to be sorted out immediately. I took Ava , back to her room, stating that I will be back in an hour or so.

I was in my office in the mansion. The files were almost done. I handed them to Robert, to take them away.

I went towards my room and changed into my PJs , heading towards my princess's room. I just can't sleep without her being in my arms. Her sweet scent  intoxicates me to sleep. I have  even left all of my drugs and cigars. She is more intoxicating than those. I just love her so much.

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