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One week later

"Where are you Aldric? Why are you not coming home since five days?", I asked to the person, who I have been missing like hell. This is the first time in five days, I am having a talk with him and that too on phone call.

"I am out on a business trip princess. It will take some time."

"That what I have been hearing from everyone from the last few days. I want to know why are you on such a long business trip and when are you going to return? Furthermore, why didn't you tell me before leaving?"

I heard a sigh from the other side.

"Angel I had to leave urgently. And regarding the duration I will be back in a couple of days."


"Now tell me, how are you?"

What do I tell him? Should I tell him? No, I will disturb his work. Let's not tell him. I will tell him everything, when he comes back.

"I am fine", i said.Tears flooded my eyes as soon as I said that."How are you?", I continued.

"I m also fine. Just overworking a bit".

I tried to control my tears. "You should not. Are you taking your meals properly?", I asked.

"Yes. But, I have heard you not taking your meals properly."

When your heart is clenching with fear and your mind does not seem to soothe it, food does not seem appetising.

" You were not answering your call. So, I was worried about you", i said.

He chuckled. "So, my baby is worried for me. Don't worry. I am fine. Now I would like you, my fiancèe to have your meals properly. Okay?", he asked.

"Yes", i said wiping the tears which had fallen down.

"Bye. I love you. Take care", he said.

"Love you too", i said and the call disconnected.

I fell on my knees and burst out. The tears which I held in, fell. How do I tell him that someone is threatening to kill me? The person who he calls his Godfather is not a god but a devil in disguise?

I kept on getting those threatening calls from that person, who claimed that I destroyed his work. Yesterday, I got to know that person was Uncle Leonardo. The person, Aldric trusts. His one and only Godfather.


I was sitting in my room, thinking about those calls I am getting since the last few days. I didn't see Aldric, since the night he consoled me after nightmare. Which was four days ago. I asked Jack and he told me that he is on some business trip. But why is he not answering my calls? Vincenzo is also busy all day, since Aldric is not here. He called a few times, asking if I am fine. Other than that, I haven't met him. The only person I see in this castle other than guards and maids is Uncle Leonardo. We never engaged in conversation. Just some glances and hellos. I always feel this negative vibe from him. But, he doesn't seem bad. I got to know that he has come from Sicily to live here for a few days, until things settle over here due to the new revelations.

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