Heart Wrenching Fire

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"How much time more do you need to get there, it's freaking 15 minutes, we are flying", i shouted at the pilot, flying the helicopter.

"We are lan-ding sir in a minu-te", he said stuttering.

Princess, just hold on a minute, I am coming. Please be fine.

We landed 500m away from the location, so that they don't know we are here. All the men rushed out from there choppers and were now standing, waiting for my command.

"Vincenzo you come with me", i told Vincenzo. "Others stay here and wait for my command", i continued.

"Okay boss", Vincenzo said and set off with the me. In a minute we reached there. There were two men guarding upfront.

"You go from back, I will head from front", i whispered to Vincenzo.He nodded and we parted ways. I checked if my silencer was in place or not and went towards them.

Knocking them out, before they can take any action, I sneaked inside. There were two corridors, leading in two directions.I heard some groaning and laughing sound, coming from  right side.

I went towards the corridor sounds were coming from . I swear whoever that betrayer is, having the audacity to kidnap my fiancèe  it is his last day.

There was a door. The sounds were coming from here. Might be my princess is here. What if they are hurting here?

"Vincenzo, did you get in here?", I asked through the bluetooth.

"No boss, there is no place to enter from back. This place has only one entrance. I am near the entrance", he said.

"Okay. Get the others also", i said.

"Okay boss",he said.

I peeked inside the room. There were 7 men. 6 of them standing near a table and the 7th one stood a little distant from them. Seems like he is the boss. I stopped peaking, to check my weapons.

"Watching her die like this so fun", someone said. I recognised the person, immediately , making my heart clench. The person I trusted the most. My eyes flooded with tears, but I knew better than  crying.

"Watching her life leaving her while getting fucked", he said.

What?? No, no, no. My baby. Without any second thought I entered the room, making me clearly see, whatever was going on. I fell on my knees, watching it.

My princess, tied on a table unconscious. Her clothes, barely covering her. Some random guard was thursting into her. It took me a while to process everything.

"Oh son, you came. See, I am treating your little whore. It is going on since last 4 hours. My guards are also enjoying. But you see, I think they overdid. She fell unconscious. Or I think she died. Yeah, she died. My guards fucked the life out of her", Gdad said laughing.

But, nothing seem to reach my mind. Tears were streaming down my eyes. My princess lying there lifeless. She got raped. She got raped. And I was not able to save her. She is dead. She is dead. My
angel left me.

Gunshots, started echoing everywhere. But, nothing had an effect on me. I was looking at my princess, whom I was not able to save. My breathing hitched. I felt my world falling apart. I lost my everything. My soul was dieing from within.

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