Chapter 2

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After leaving Morgan's house that afternoon, I went on my way to the next stop. I started to feel lonely but didn't do anything about it. 'What the fuck am I going to do when I get to the shelter?' I thought.
As I was going along the street, there was an alleyway; it looked very dark like how you'd imagine a tunnel to be. I thought about going through the alleyway as a sort of short cut to make my journey slightly shorter, but then realised that that would be a bad idea. I've seen all the horror movies that have bad things happen in alleyways.

I walked away slowly, but then heard a weird noise coming from the alley. It really creeped me out, but then I saw something - no, someone - they had blood dripping from their mouth. They then spotted me and quickly disappeared like the click of a finger. I was in shock in how they could do that so fast. 'What were they? Who were they?' I quickly thought. With that, I swiftly moved on as if nothing happened. I came across a food court, so I stopped to grab some food as I hadn't eaten since this morning.
After eating, I grabbed my things and continued on with my walk. I realised that it was starting to get dark, so I continued to make my way through town to Brostron (the next town over from Thornwell) when I came across another alleyway; this time however, it was definitely much darker. I started to get scared as I passed through, then, the next thing I knew, I got snatched and thrown into the alley and there I came face-to-face with the same guy from earlier. I guess I must've been bleeding somewhere, I don't know what other reason why he'd do something like this. Now that I could actually see his face, his eyes were an eye colour I had not seen for years. They were the colour of the sea early in the morning, and suddenly without a word or a sound, he had latched himself onto my neck and then I felt a sharp scratch.
Then everything went black.
After what seemed like hours, I finally woke up. 'Whoa, I thought that was the end for me. What the hell just happened to me?'
The dude that bit me was still here. At least I think he bit me. "Ah, you're awake. Here grab my wrist and suck." He said as he bit his own wrist as if it was nothing and offered me his wrist. I obliged and took? drank? his blood, not knowing what would happen or what he would say if I said no. He then yanked his wrist away basically saying that I had had enough.
"Your transformation should start any moment now, you should probably come with me." Wait. Transformation? Did I hear him right?
"What do you mean by transformation?" I asked expecting an answer. But, he stayed quiet. "Where are you taking me anyways?"
"You'll get your answers when we get there." Was all he said as we got into a car and started to drive to this mystery location. I had learned that his name was Raphael from the driver of the car. I couldn't quite get what his name was though. It was probably something ordinary like Jerry.
So, that's chapter 2 done. I hope it's okay, please let me know.
Chapter 3 will be out soon. Hopefully.

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